Honk If You Were 100% Today!

Honk honk for 100% for the entire first two weeks.....and everyone says it gets easier from here on in, so I'm feeling pretty hopeful! Thanks for the support everyone! x
Honk Honk honk Honk for the last 4 days :D
honk x last number of days
HONK HONK!!! Day 4 over, getting closer to my first weigh in!
honk! honk!! :D
honk hypoglycemic honk -for day 2 of week 1(determined!)
HONK for however many days
Got weighed today (end of week 2) lost 6lbs..bringing my tally to 14lbs in a fortnight. so make thats six honks from me for this week! :)
8 weeks .. 100% and sooooo worth it
Honk triumphant honk! Day 5 and avoided food at a party!