Honk If You Were 100% Today!

Day 5 is over and gone. It was my worst yet. I wanted to break but I didn't. Now day 6 and the weekend... Hold on tight!
Day 12 & still honking!!! It's now Day 13 & the weekend which I seem to find more difficult than week days.

Weigh day tomorrow & I not that confident really as my scales say I've shifted just 2lbs
Goodmorning all,

Start of day 12 (100% all the way) for me and i am really enjoying cooking again but on the down-side I have become and even worse health freak cook ...... I really feel sorry for my kids and on the good side they are slowly enjoying it.

16 weeks??? Well done MiniB!!
Bev, you are a real inspiration. :)

Honking for day 20. Feel a bit :superwoman: today!
Well done MiniB, you are an absolute credit to the rest of us. Will you be at your desired goal weight when you shift the remaining 6 lbs in next couple of weeks or what is your next step? :)
Day 22 today 100% all the way x
day 7 over starting day 8 honk honk
Doing good so...honk! Its half eleven and I am just about to go to bed and I almost forgot to have my last shake, will make it a warm vanilla one!

Up and down with it, some days struggle but most days have no appetite.

Breath is bad today apparantly but hey who cares because I (ahem) have now lost a stone!!!!! WI is tuesday so thats in less than 3 weeks. Am I happy? Hell yeah! xx
Day 7 is over and weigh in day (or day 8 as I call it) is upon me. Today will be decision time.