Honk If You Were 100% Today!

Honk for Day 70 :D (I was told today that I look YEARS younger :D :D)
Honk honk 29!
Day 70 - honk
Weigh in tomorrow :D x
WHHOOOP WHOOOP FOR DAY 44!! The days and pounds are whizzing by. Well done everyone for getting as far as you have. KEEP....IT....UP!

x S
Honk :D day 71 x

Honk day 22 x
Honk !! Day 12 100% TFR In fact I am NOT feeling one bit hungry and can go hours and hours if I wanted too Woohoo feeling G O O D
Honk day 30!

72- honk :D x
Honk day 33
Honk day 31 (month 1). Also, thanks UKlady - unfortunately I could lose so much 'cause I'm so tall and I've a high BMI!!!