Honk If You Were 100% Today!

honk day 68
Honk - 93 :D
It's been a hard day today, especially being 100% on my birthday... And on top of that being bought a cake from choccywoccydoodah :') xx

Ohhh juju HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! If I'd know I could have baked you a ..... oh wait..... I could have sang to you hahaha xx Hope you had a lovely day despite all the temptations xxx
uklady said:
Ohhh juju HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! If I'd know I could have baked you a ..... oh wait..... I could have sang to you hahaha xx Hope you had a lovely day despite all the temptations xxx

Hehe aw thank you very much m'lovely :D
I had a great day, considering I never got to eat any of the yummy looking cake. It was really nice but tiring xxx
honk honk
Day 95 honk :D
The colder it gets the more I want a hot meal :{ x
honk honk (day 16, I think)
Day 17 honk. Stomach's been a-rumbling all day but stuck to it...even after a pre-weigh-in massive walk.
96 - honnnk :) x
Honk Honk day 12 for me, weigh in tomorrow :)
Honk day one
honk day 71!!! xx