Honk If You Were 100% Today!

Honk for yest & honk for today too!!!!
Honk Honk! second day and am good.. done well for me self, I f I may say so...

well done to all of you!
Honking in!
end of my 4th day on LT so happy I have had such a terrible few days (yesterday I was almost crying) and today was the only day I felt alright and also began to notice white specs in my urine? does this mean ketosis?
Hi hazel! That's great you have 4 days done and dusted. They're prob the hardest days to get through. The white specks thing didn't happen to me but had a look on dr google (lol) and apparently it does happen so yay, you're in ketosis!
Hi hazel! That's great you have 4 days done and dusted. They're prob the hardest days to get through. The white specks thing didn't happen to me but had a look on dr google (lol) and apparently it does happen so yay, you're in ketosis!
thanks Mindy!
Feeling so much better today :) I'm glad they're the hardest days it was so tough I even wanted to give up on Wednesday night.
How is the diet going for you?
wow that's fantastic! well done :D
honk.. had a really crappy day and slept most of it so missed my dinner shake but have been 100% and only drank water
Honk Honk -for days 1 & 2!
Honk -Day 3 :D