

Silver Member
After two weeks of gut-wrenching 2lb and 2.5lb losses, I've dropped 6lb this week. Thank God! I was on the verge of quitting!!
That's great! Well done. I only started my CD today. How long you been doing it for? Dreading the low weight loss weeks, but hoping i'll stay strong.

H x
Thats fab!! I'll remember this if i ever have a wobble moment..they do say the moment youre ready to quit is usually right before a miracle happens!! :D fab losses!! Well done!
I had a run of three weeks losing 3lb... Then the next week, week 18, I lost 11lb in one week!
Wowee!!! thats an amazing loss!!!! I mean, 3lb a week is fantastic but to hop on the scales and lose 11! Bet you were made up :) did you noticeably do anything different that week ? Brilliant!! Well done you :D
Amazing! Your body must have really been clinging on to some water or something! How are you recovering from your surgery, Caz? I know they say sometimes that Cambridge can cause gallstones - do you think that was the case for you?
I think my weight loss caused my gallstones, I don't blame Cambridge specifically. Unfortunately I tick all the boxes: female, a mother, lost weight, right age, family history. No hope for me really (my sister is thrilled as she also ticks all the boxes!).

The woman in the bed next to me was telling me she is the fourth of her friends to have her gallbladder out in just two months, and they have all been on weight watchers and lost about 2st!
Cambslass I had tonsillitis that week! Ha. I should also add that the week after my 11lb loss I only lost 1lb, but was not really a surprise
Aw, hope your feeling better now! Hey,1lb is still a loss though right:) all adds up in the right direction :D your weight loss so far is absolutely faaaaaantastiiiic!!!!!! Love the little rudimental bit too :D im hoping i lose a few pounds this week, i have been on cambs before and i lost 2lbs every week, but ive cut out coke this time and im hopppping i can lose a little more each week, just because im a little impatient and want to get to my goal and feel confident enough to join the gym which (may be a little sad haha) i asked for membership for my birthday lol :D xx
Are you kidding? That's a great gift! It's something you can lose all year long and it makes a positive change for you. That's brilliant!

I recently moved to an area with an open-air pool and, even though I am hippopotamusly, I am still going to dig out my swimsuit and try to get down there everyday. Lidos were simply meant for weather like this!

Sorry, Cazza, I did mean weight loss in general. I didn't mean to imply Cambridge has anything sinister about it (in case anyone considering the diet is reading this and now thinking "Bugger that, I don't want to get sick!" ;)). How funny that your ward friend knows so many people on diets going through the same thing, although not funny because it's probably the most painful thing ever. I had a diseased gallbladder removed in 2006 but my symptoms first appeared in 2000. It took them six years of investigation to get to the bottom of it, during which time they diagnosed me with all kind of other illnesses, including the heart disease my granddad died of. I'd never seen so many relatives in one week: they all came flocking because they thought I was a goner! It's amazing how this tiny, useless organ can cause that level of pain. The locum who eventually spotted it said that after six years of thrice-weekly gallbladder attacks that childbirth would be a doddle, if I ever choose to do it. I'm not so sure I believe her, but at least with childbirth something comes of the pain! Did you see in the news that someone recently sold their gallstones on ebay? She only got 99p for them, which I think is a little below cost considering the effort involved in producing and removing them. ;)
Country I honestly agree that gallbladder pain is 10 x worse than childbirth! I had mine removed in 2011 and after seeing 4 different doctors, being in constant agony for 7 days, I ended up with jaundice after one of the stone became stuck! It was the WORST pain I have ever felt and I have 2 children. Best to be rid of it now! I'm on day 4 of Cambridge and after a sneaky weigh in this morning I am 7lb lighter already :)
Don't worry CB didn't think you did. Rapid weight loss can cause gallstones, don't dispute that it caused mine, and as dreadful as the pain was (and it really was) it was short term and has been permanently dealt with. If I hadn't of lost so much weight, I'd have been sent home with a six week wait and a strict diet (happened to the lady next to me!). Far worse things lay ahead if I hadn't done something about my weight at the end of the day, so losing a gallbladder is a small price to pay in my opinion.
Oh absolutely! And life without a gallbladder is the same as life with one, so I'd definitely choose weight loss too. I hadn't even lost weight when I developed stones and inflammation, so I guess I was just really unlucky! ;)

Good to know, Lauren! Although I suspect all my "babies" will come from the Dogs Trust and Cats Protection! :D I'm not sure if I'm cut out for motherhood. Congratulations on your loss, by the way: that's brilliant. Is your official weigh in on Thursday?
Hi Country Bumpkin. My first week was hell!!! No other way to describe it really. Had a full on cold and no energy and came so close to caving for a jacket potato with baked beans and cheese lol But I didn't! I stuck to the water and was miserable for several days...but i'm through to the other side now!!! :) Feel great and on day 10 of SS. Lost 8bs last week. Was looking for a bit more first week if i'm honest....but i'm still happy with that! Clothes feel looser and bought some "Thinspiration" skinny jeans in size 12 which are hung up in my bedroom :)

How are you getting on with it now?

Holly xxx
Oh crumbs, a jacket potato with cheese sounds jaw-droppingly, saliva hanging out-edly, good right now! But well done for sticking to the plan - forget warfare etc: the battle of man vs potato is the real challenge and for you to win takes real courage and discipline! ;) Glad you're feeling better after your cold. It's very difficult to stick to the diet when sick, because all you want to do is eat comforting foods (in my case chunky bread and ice cream - not necessarily together but I wouldn't rule it out!). Well done also on your fabulous loss last week - what a rock star! My weigh in isn't until Monday, and I'm hoping for a good one this time because last Saturday I had a planned day off to attend a picnic with an old friend, so I bypassed this week's weigh in. I knew it could only disappoint me. ;) I'm just glad I managed to get immediately back on track! It hasn't always been that way!
Morning :)

Skipping the weigh in sounds sensible! Better to wait and have a good loss to keep you motivated. I'm having a cheat meal this Saturday for my best mates birthday, but I've planned it ALL out as i'm slightly obsessive about it at the moment. We're all having dinner at hers before going out and they're cooking fajitas and wedges - so I've gone and got my own ingredients including Quorn chunks rather than chicken, low calorie cheese, low calorie wraps and salad rather than the wedges....so i'm quite happy with that. Means it will probably be safe to have a couple of vodka and diet cokes too (I've promised myself i'll only have 2 and then go to sparkling water).

Its really nice to feel in control of what I eat. Never felt this much control before. Thrilled to hear you found it so easy to go back onto SS after eating too as that's the only thing I was really worried about. I still do have my weigh in Monday though :( So fingers crossed the one meal won't blow a whole week of hard work!!!

Have you got any nice plans for the weekend?

Holly x
I do a lot of freelance work and I have quite a few orders to complete this weekend, so my Saturday won't be anywhere near as nice as yours! I know what you mean about becoming obsessed over upcoming breaks: I am having two weeks off during my holiday in August and it's one of the reasons I can't wait for my holiday to hurry up get here!

Your meal sounds delicious - exactly the kind of thing I'd want if I were having a break meal. I hope your friend enjoys her birthday and that you all have a great time! You may not want to say, which I fully understand, but which part of Hampshire are you in? I ask because I live in Norfolk now but I'm from Hampshire originally, so know it very well!
Busy weekend for you then hun! I live in Southampton. Nearly the weekend.....yay!!!!!!!!!

H x