How do you find the flavours - esp the new carbonara - please join in....

OMG the veg soup is delish! I don't want anyone in the office to know I'm on an extreme diet, so I blitzed the soup with cold water at home, put it in a microwavable bowl and took it to work to heat up at lunchtime. Looks like real veg soup, smells like real veg soup and tastes like real veg soup and no-one suspects a thing! (hopefully they'll notice sooner or later that I'm getting a bit less-rolypoly!)
Ahh buttons don't do that!!! The nutrients disappear out of the back after about 15 minutes so you have to make them up freshly otherwise your not getting the 100% RDA!!!!
Oh no! Really?! Rats! I didn't see any info on the packet (but I can barely read it anyway, who puts tiny white print on silver packaging?!) Not sure how to do lunch then?!
Did you get any bars? Have you got a private kitchen that you can maybe sneak off and make it before the lunch time rush??
I have a shaker that I do a shake in, everyone at my work knows (the temptation for doughnuts was too much I had to tell them to stop them waving them in my face) but u could just say its a protein drink. I know lots of people do them x
Porridge and carbonara don't need blended so as long as u could tip the packet out into a bowl without anyone seeing they would have no way of knowing it was diet stuff. I've had 4 portions of porridge at work so far without anyone suspecting. I also don't have a microwave but just put hot water in a bit at a time, mixed it and left it for a couple of minutes
Porridge (or even soup maybe?) with water from a boiled kettle could work, I could put the plain powder in my little lunch tub then just add the boiling water and sit quietly at my desk, no-one would even bat an eyelid :) I didn't get any bars in my economy pack, I thought they'd remind me too much of 'snacks', which I was so desperate to get away from.
I know this isn't the same subject as the thread, but I've just got home and decided to change out of my work suit, thought what-the-hell, I'll try those jeans and that top on that I just didn't quite feel comfortable in two weeks ago, and they fit better! Yay, doing a little victory dance...
That's what we are doing it for, the boosts of our clothes fitting better!!! I bet you feel great! Well done =)

Yeah even take the stuff in a little box and say you have portioned all of your porridge and stuf out for work???
Brilliant Kerry :)
as long as there's no packets in the bin and I'm not using the (wonderful but totally obvious) shaker then I will be happy eating at work :) And yes, it does feel good to have more than three outfits to fit in again! ;-D
Just looking at the exante website and the picture of the carbonara looks lush, with big pasta which is at the top... All my pasta sinks and barely touches the bowl! Am I doing it wrong or is it just like those pictures of awesome sandwiches which actually turn out flat and squished :)
Just looking at the exante website and the picture of the carbonara looks lush, with big pasta which is at the top... All my pasta sinks and barely touches the bowl! Am I doing it wrong or is it just like those pictures of awesome sandwiches which actually turn out flat and squished :)
Nope, mine sinks too!
So does mine and that must be a dolls bowl on the website lol
Haha glad its not just mine then! Got one soaking at the moment whilst OH has egg, chips and ham :(
I'd rather have pasta carbonara lol!

I ordered a recipe book of supposed low fat healthy recipes there for £3 so I shall see what kinda stuff it has In there lol
You'll have to post some recipes if they are any good!