how do you stop?


Full Member

Well I'm on the verge of giving up if I'm honest, not just on ww, but dieting all together. Had a really bad day last week hich has now turned into a full weeks binge! :'(
Just can't seem to stop myself and can't seem to get my head in it at all. Everyday I start afresh thinking today will be a good day then something happens and I ultimately end up stuffing my face :(

I've noticed that my weeklies I seem to use as an excuse to binge thinking I can just count it but then the binge just continues for days on end. Really don't know what to do anymore and sorry for being so depressing but any suggestions would be great? Only thing I can think of is to share my weeklies over the seven days instead of big chunks. Think it might help slightly.

Any help would be greatly received,

Thanks Dan x
I foudn this book: The Beck Diet Solution Weight Loss Workbook: The 6-Week Plan to Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person: Judith S. Beck: Books (in the event that my link doesn't work because I'm new it's Beck's Diet Solution Workbook). IT''s basically CBT for getting thinner and it really helped motivate me! You have tasks every day and she leads you in gently (her dad was the chap who invented cbt), the task I found most helpful was that you have to write out a list of reasons why you wantt o lose weight and put it around the house where you'll see it often, plus read it at least once every day, it really helps ingrain WHY you're doing it!

She has lots of other 'rules' as well but in the case of your binge, she would say don't write off the week, stop as soon as you realise you're getting carried away and then don't carry on, don't say, ah, I'll right today off as it's better to make a 200 calorie 'mistake' than a 2000 calorie one! My own advice is to plan everything (which actually is also in the book!) so oragnise your day and plan in a treat! (I also plan snacks for the times when I know I'll be hungry!)

Much loveliness though, it's really hard to change habits so it doesn't happen over night!
hi hunny, dont give up. once you start losing, it gives you the kick up the arse. think of it this way, when it gets to summer and you havent lost, it makes you feel even worse, knowing that if you did stick to it, you'd feel more confident. that was me last year, i kept giving up and when i look back at last years photos, i hated myself, this year HAS to be different.

i definately do think by shring your points over the week WILL help so much, by boosting your dailies up and feeling more full will so stop the binging, then over time reduce them to as and when u need them.

keep logging on here and read the weigh ins, that really does give u a boost. or think of the reason WHY your doing this diet in the first place. at times of giving up, i think of my reason (IVF) and io just know, in the long run, it will be so worth going thru hell to get to where i want to be in life.

sorry for the waffle xxx
i totally agree with what Helen says!

u sound jus like me over summer last year! i was doing SW and i would jus binge and try get back on it the next day and i never did! that binge turned into a nearly FIVE MONTH binge!!!!!! i then went to a ww class with my friend and when i stepped on them scales i cried because i was shocked and disgusted how big i actually was! i jus punished myself though, i went shoppin for a wedding dress and i dreaded it coz i thought i was too big! i couldnt wear ncie clothes last summer ect and it jus isnt worth it huni!

i tihnk splitting ur weeklies over the days is a brilliant idea! i had a bad weekend of bad food and lots of drinking so i wasted mine but other weeks i normally do use more on a weekend! those weeklies are there to be used so if u want to use them all on alcohol or on a take away or a meal out then u do it jus make sure u point it all!

why dont u maybe start a diary on here then u can keep track of how ur going!

please dont give up
How about a week without weeklies ? When I did ww 100% I would maybe use 2-3 a week if that for when I went over on occasion ... I always had better loses without my weeklies aswel
I agree with CLH, I would go without the weeklies also (I did for my entire weight loss) as I found they were a temptation to me that could lead to eating more than planned. Plan your days in advance, have fruit and free soup made, and if you feel them. Set yourself mini goals, with an ultimate goal planned for when you reach weight. My ultimate goal was a Disney Orlando Holiday...I have now booked it and fly in July. If i can do it, anybody can ! :)
Hey all,

Thanks for replying its much appreciated:) put some serious thought into it this week and my behavior when it comes to food so have to change it and soon. As weigh in day is in the morning im treating this as a fresh start to put in place a few restrictions on my ww journey as sometimes its just to flexible for me and im just using my points on rubbish. Firstly im going to swap between pp & f&h instead of just pp. This is because im a serial diet switcher between ww and sw so this should help stop this behavior. Plus on a pp day im not going to go over my dailies, my weeklies are there for my f&h days only to enable me to have things like sauces, mayo etc. Im also putting some serious thought into starting a diary on here as this may help me be accountable for the food im consuming instead of being able to deny it. Fingers crossed these things should help me get back into the right frame of mind and back on the ww wagon:)

Good luck everyone and thanks again for the suggestions,

Dan x
yeh hun i have a diary and i find it helps talkin to all the lovely ladies!
post the link on here if u do and i will b happy t follow
I will be back later to read this from the start - looks very interesting! X