how do you lose 2 thirds of your self?

Hello lovely Mandy, Moussaka...not had that in years, wish I'd read this earlier could have made it for dinner, :drool: but I will make it soon...thank you xx

Walkers Stars are on the SW website and all varieties are 4.5 syns, aren't they just too moresome, how I am managing to do just 1 bag at a time is beyond me I have always been a crispaholic :giggle:

Hope you're having a good day sweetie :hug99: xxxx
Hi Mandy... Hope your well Hunny!!

I will also be picking your moussaka idea!! I am on the hunt for new recipes!! :) cxx

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uggg feeling very sick this evening, have a headache and sore throat:sick: feeling very sorry for myself

food not so good today bit to many carbs, typical me when feeling poorly:sigh:

off to bed now for an early night in the hope i will feel better in the morning xxx
hope you have all had a good day i will catch up later xxxx
broadsbean said:
uggg feeling very sick this evening, have a headache and sore throat:sick: feeling very sorry for myself

food not so good today bit to many carbs, typical me when feeling poorly:sigh:

off to bed now for an early night in the hope i will feel better in the morning xxx
hope you have all had a good day i will catch up later xxxx

Awww... Hope you feel better soon Hunny!! I haven't been feeling 100% either, think there is a lot going round! :-(

Get better soon!! Xxxx

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Hello lovely, hope you feel better soon :bighug:
There is a lot going round, got myself a cold now too, just woke up from an unexpected nap myself lol

Take care lovely :hug99: xxxx
Hope you're feeling a bit better today hon. Thanks for sending the wagon over - climbed back on but hadn't done my seatbelt up properly so fell off again! Back on today! :bighug: xxx
Hi Mandy, sorry to hear you feeling poorly and hope you pick up been snuggling too close to Lily???? :giggle:
thank you everybody xx feeling a little better today, tierd after a busy afternoon at work and returning home to a dead hedgehog:cry:

not sure what happened, cos i let the dog out and realised straight away she had it, thing it might already have been dead as it really was just seconds:cry:
hubby is going to bury it for me, its so sad xxx
:cry: poor mr hedgehog, glad your feeling a little better today xx
shenzi said:
:cry: poor mr hedgehog, glad your feeling a little better today xx

Hope your feeling better soon x

I always think hedgehogs are girls thanks to Mrs Tiggywinkle. Poor thing :(

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Awwww the poor hedgehog :(

I remember chasing one up a road once when I was at uni and coming back from the student union one night. It wouldn't stay still for me to take a picture :giggle:

Glad you were feeling a bit better yesterday, hope there's even more of an improvement today xx
Hi Mandy, sorry to hear about the hedgehog as its horrible when our pets do something like that, hopefully tho it was dead when your dog got hold of it. I remember a while ago when my youngest was small he had a couple of ginuea pigs, called Wallace and Gromit and we knew that if the dog got near them she would kill them as it would be instinctive for her and she was never allowed out there when the pigs were in their run in the garden. Unfortunately I took her out with me one day to hang out the washing and forgot to bring her back in with me ............. you can guess what came next can't you. Son discovered the dog in the run with the pigs.........both were dead and totally my fault :( Son was distraught and had to buy 2 new guinea pigs.........these were called Tommy and Chucky. They died of old age..................lesson learned :(Hope you have a good day after the upset of yesterday :)