How important to weightloss are healthy extras?


Full Member
ive just restarted slimming world after i lost a stone and a half in 2010, now im back and im a little bit bigger thanks to turning 18 and discovering alcohol! I know that healthy extras and important for health, and stuff however i work 10 hour days and never find time to use my healthy extras for breakfast like i used to. i usually take some fruit to work and have it on my morning break, yesterday i only managed to get one healthy extra when i should be having 4 because i do green days. I try really hard to make sure i have them, but im just worried that it might effect my weight loss? any ideas?
As you say Rachel the HEx are there to ensure that you get your daily quota of calcium & fibre. SW recommend that you have 1 OR 2 A's and 2 B's.
If you're a non meat eater, perhaps you like nuts & seeds etc - the HEb amounts are quite small so you can actually fulfil your quota without much difficulty (I could nibble them away anyway :D). Personally, I couldn't do without my Weetabix Oaty bars (only 1 for a HEb) or Alpen Lights (2 for HEb) so like Green days so I can have them as well as my porridge for brekkie. If you are a meat eater (but just prefer the Green Plan), a HEb serving of some meat can be included in some Green meals or snacks.
HEa - OK, basically just milk and cheese but again, they can both be incorporated into meals or taken by themselves. As above, you don't need to beat yourself up about fitting 2 of them in - 1 is OK on Green or Red.
The long & short of it is that HEx are only recommended and if you really can't fit them in no-one is going to force you - losses shouldn't be affected but your general health might dip a bit.

Good luck in whatever you decide or manage :)