How much basic training does a CDC have?


Full Member
I was just pondering on this question - I know my CDC has referred to being on CD so presumably all CDCs have to have successfully lost and maintained weight on the CD?

But, what other training do they have to become CDC?

My CDC is reasonably new and I noted that she mentioned "my training day" in a conversation recently. Does the basic training needed only constitute this one day?
Hi there
As a relatively new CDC myself...
There is a training day then Cambridge ask you to complete some development modules within a certain time frame. All CDC's have usually done the diet too so they also have personal knowledge.

Oh and CDC's have a sponsor who is usually a CDC of experience. As a new CDC or waiting for the training you have to spend time with your sponsor to see how they do things.. like seeing a client for the first time, weighing and measuring accurately, that sort of thing.
They are changing the way CDC are trained soon, instead of just one day basic training, all new CDC training from a certain date will have to have a second training day within 3mths of their original date, as well as completing their modules within this time.
I've been wondering about the CDC training too Sweetpea. A friend of mine has said that she thinks I'd make a good CDC but I'm a bit scared as to what it all involves, what with my part-time job, tax implications etc.

I'd love to know more so if there are any CDC's who can help me then please feel free to PM me. :D
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