How much can I exercise on ss 100%


is gonna do it!!
I would love to join a gym an a local energie gym is doing a special offer at the mo and I am really interested.
How much exercise is recommended while I'm doing ss?
Don't wanna make meself ill! But would like to tone up
Hope someone can help or maybe one of u have done it!
Hi Moti17
I did LL last year and although I did not exercise for the 1st 2 weeks after that I found I was fine and could do 45 to 60 mins in the gym on treadmill etc. I just made sure that I had drunk lots of water and took it slowly. I found that I had much more energy whilst on the diet. Unfortunately I have put some back on so am now on day 3 of CD to shift it back off!!
I think the recommendation is that if you dont already exercise then dont embark on a fabulous gym membership now. But i guess if you feel you are up to it then go ahead, as pp said take lots of water.