how often do u weigh yourself-HONESTLY!?


Silver Member
As the title says really-I'm just intrigued as to how many ppl are good and only get weighed once a week or are like me and scale addicts xx

doing this for me :)
My official weigh in day is Monday, so I weigh in on Monday and record my weight. I sometimes have a peak on Sunday.

I rarely weigh in the week, as weight changes so much, that it doesn't mean anything. :)

My official weigh in with the nurse is next Tuesday, but I do weigh myself when I go on the Wii Fit, so probably 3 times a week.
My official home weigh day is Sunday but I usually weigh Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday too. Omg I'm a scale addict :D
I say everyday to myself, I won't weigh today bit before I've donated saying it the scales are out and I'm on them!

A bad habit I will try get out of, just not today or tomorrow ;) xx
I'm guilty of weighing everyday aswel-even tho my weight obviously fluctuates I love watchin the numbers :)

doing this for me :)
every morning!!

I know I shouldn't be I can't help it! I love seeing the numbers go down - it gives me a real boost to start the day with! I still stick my head in the sand if I know I've been really bad, because I avoid them that day!!

My weigh in at WW is on a Wednesday evening, and at the doctors I try to keep to a Wednesday too - so I can have a little treat that Wednesdy night !!
once a week for me, mentally couldn't cope with weighing myself anymore than that xx
Guilty as charged your honour!!! i weigh myself nearly everyday. I am a scales addict!!

I weigh about twice a day lol
Haha I'm a scales junkie too! I'm reading a book right now that is trying to teach you not to aim for weight loss as that is the symptom not the cause of the problem and instead to look at the bigger picture, making choices to be healthy. She suggests weighing only once a week and noted the number on the scales determine your mood. I'm still working on this!
I'm a scale addict to - I weigh daily!! :( xx
Mostly I stick to once a week, it changes so much it's not worth it
I try to stick to once a week, but I never manage it. At the moment I weigh myself officially on a Wednesday, but usually again on a Friday & Monday (for a pre/post weekend check) and sometimes Tuesday!
I'm a lost cause!!