how often do you weigh yourself?

Hide the scales???

Poor Mr Taz gets told off if he dares even MOVE my scales an inch out of place! Ha ha
I dont even keep my scales in my house. I was on and off them all the time, but found my weight fluctuated so much I got really disheartened. They now live at my parents and I only weigh myself once a week :)
I'm trying to cut down on my 'scales time' but I feel lost without them, specially the few days before weigh in. I just like to know where I am even though it may not be entirely accurate
Taz your a naughty girl trying to pull me over to the obsessive dark side!

I will probably do it once a week in between WI but i like the surprise sometimes of stepping on the scales in class knowing ive had a good loss. who can beat that feeling.

Imagine weighing yourself in the week thinking you have had a good loss and when you get to class you have maintained or not lossed what you originally be gutted.

But before WI in class i try to have a pre WI poo ;) every little ounce helps haha

Ruthy xxx
Generally I only weigh myself when I go for WI, mainly because my scales are crap lol, If I think I have had a really bad week I very occasionally weigh myself to see if it's as bad as I think....
Think I should maybe try and cut down a bit on the weighing at home - i do agree that what I am doing is slightly excessive! Hmmmm - and I do like what you said Ruthy about it being a nice feelin at WI, whereas I have a pretty good idea of what my WI result will be. xox
As I am doing SW online I have to do my own WI once a week, so have to have the scales in the house. I would say I am verging on the obsessive though and need to cut down a bit (especially if I am heavier that I should be and I'm quickly getting undressed to see how much difference that makes).:eek:
I'm an every day weigher!

Naughty naughty. lol
Ruthy xxx
Righto - I weighed this morning and I am now making a promise to myself that I am not going to weigh for a whole week!

Miraculously despite overdoing my syns all week I have still managed to lose a pound - WOW?!?!?!
I couldn't wait til WI day cus if I'm feeling like I've put on I don't want that shock in class! I like to know the general area I'm in even though it's not accurate
I only get weighed once a week in class as i agree with Bumpyo, i know that if my scales showed a gain or sts i would feel diappointed and might get the urge to blow out.
xxxx Loobylou
I'm the opposite though, if they say I've gained or STS I will cut out all Syns and be extra good!
Day one - trying to break my daily weigh habit

Well this morning I got up, had a wee , went the the kitchen and instead of getting the scale out of the cupboard for a quick weigh I drank a glass of water and made my breakfast.

No point weighing now in view of the water and breakfast :p.

But before WI in class i try to have a pre WI poo ;) every little ounce helps haha Ruthy xxx

PMSL :rotflmao: - There is another lady on mini's who admitted to once arranging blood donation right before her WW WI as a pint weighs a pound :p. I always wear the same clothes as they are the lightest outfit in my wardrobe - I know I have checked :eek:.

Seriously though I think for me, having lost a third of my previous body weight is approx 6 months I kind of needed to weigh regularly for a while - you know just to check it had not all jumped back on overnight like 'everyone' said it would when I first started Cambridge :rolleyes:. Now I know I am going to need to keep track of my weight/foo lifestyle moving forward otherwise I could put on again but thats why I am doing SW - also if a couple more pounds decided to jump ship before my holiday that would be lovely :). I do think if I can break the daily weigh habit it would be a good thing for me mentally for my future - sorry bit deep and meaningful for before 10am on a Sunday!
Same here.
Same here, hehe.
I've started weighing myself at home (because everyone else is) but I think I need a new set as I lost 8lbs over night - miracle scales or what?xx