How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Mum and I in the same outfit. Ahahaha

Thanks hun. My face looks a bit mental. Mum is happy too as she can see she isn't as big as she thought she looked. :)

Mega news. Got loads of comments at toddlers for my weightloss this morning. Someone said I was disappearing before their eyes and someone else (who goes to sw but at a different group but with the same c) asked how much more I wanted to lose and didn't believe me. She said she thought 1 stone at the most. THEN she said I didn't look overweight at all, I just looked normal :O it was a good job i was sitting down!

Realised I haven't been logging my food so today...
B: Apple, plum, sausage (1 syn) sandwich (heb) with mushrooms and onions.

Not made lunch but I have some pasta sauce in the fridge so I think I will have pasta and I might bob some cheese on it for my hea.

I think tea is risotto, it depends what everyone else wants.
thanks guys. Is it sad I got more excited by my 2cm than by what people said? hehe. I've been waiting for my inch to return.

Been doing my room plans for the new house this evening. Yep, measured out with a scale ruler, cutting out furniture, and moving it all around. Lounge and my bedroom is sorted. I don't really need to do anything for the kitchen as there are slots for the fridge/cooker etc and a space for the table and chairs.

Had risotto for tea. 2 syns for vermouth. Twirl 9 syns and mango and yogurt. 12.5 for today.

What should I have for breakfast though?
Definitely the birdies. They're lovely!!!
They are so cool aren't they?

Thanks Minks. We went for a walk after Nate had his nap. It was lovely. :)

B: magic pancakes (heb) with blueberries, raspberries, grapes and banana.
L: left over biryani
D: butternut squash lasagna.

Had 2 cups of tea so just calling milk my hea. I wish I was better at using it.

Not had any snacks but breakfast was big. So wanting to pick and nibble lots of syns. Not sure why! Resisted the land of cake, pasty, ice cream and fish and chips. Saw my reflection in profile in a shop window and smiled instead :)