How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

I had 2 hifi lights for my heb and some chcolate syns last night.

Feel completely better today thank you guys :) I did sweat that rugger out last night. Ew. And Nate slept until 8:50am Woop.

Had 2 boiled eggs then fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Having burgers for tea. YUM!

Glad to see you are feeling better Hun x
Sooo much better thanks everyone. Stupid bugs making me ill.

today I went and got carpets. Put £100 now and on Monday I will arrange a time the fitter can come and measure up (they like to have their own measurements) and then hopefully I will get the keys early on Friday so i can get the carpets down then and get a moving van early the next week. Can't wait to just be in the house and it all be done and sorted.
Fran its amazing! I had 2 tbsp on top of one of my cherry bakewell cakes and ooooh my good giddy aunt. It was super! I may have to have fluff, choc philli and HexB bread sandwich thing going on at some point! Xx
Chocolate and fluff is a mighty combo. Mmmm.

I have used a whole one syn today on a tbsp of ketchup with the mighty dinner. Yummo.

I might have a dig through my chocolate bag later to see what I fancy. I want to fill up a big plastic box before I am allowed it. Will do the washing up before that as mum cooked and washed up yesterday. Dad is going to be in for a bloody shock when I move. It is going to be a shock to then both because they rely on me doing the menu for the week and doing the shopping/shopping list. I like to think I'm the little sw angel to dad's devil.

When we were out Nate was screaming his head off at the carpet place, so I popped over to lidl to pick up some food for him (ham, bread rolls, cheese, biscuits and cherry tomatoes) I accidentally picked up white rolls (they looked similar to brown ones and said brown mill, but as they were for Nate it wasn't an issue. Saw my parent's there and they kept Nate in the car with them as he had his picnic, while I went back in the carpet place. Then mum comes in, she and dad had made ham sandwiches for themselves. Lol. I wondered why she wanted to stay in the car. The rolls were 8 syns. Dinner was the burgers and she said "i'll have a white roll for dinner too, rugger it!" Instead of giving her the white roll I just asked while I was doing dinner, "are you sure you want a white roll or would you rather use your heb you haven't used yet?" So she used the heb, and went for her free smokey ketchup instead of any syns. My dad is a complete syn lurer, waving wine and crackers and all sorts at her.

It will be funny for them to have to think of their own meals. My mum will wait until Nate and I come downstairs to find out what I'm having for breakfast so I can make hers too. She would get it sooner if she made it herself, all my meals are written out. Silly chicken.

For me it will be getting used to not having all the store basics like balsamic vinegar, worcestershire sauce etc the things you just need a bit of here and there. I'm preparing myself to not cook for 3 and eat for 2 as well. I'm getting pretty good on my greed.

2 good things.....
1. The churchy toddler group is having a social evening at the local pub and mum has offered to babysit. Nate will be in bed and he doesn't usually wake up so that's fine.
2. Got told my Grandad is sending me a cheque. I think it is guilt money. We were supposed to see him in July but he has decided to go to Dublin instead. I'd rather see him but if he is going anyway a bit of guilt money is always welcome.
Well when I went downstairs I saw the big bag of walkers that I threw on top of the fridge to stop me eating them in the bin... empty. haha. And she's had wine too. I didn't say anything but I can guarantee you I will get the public blame for her gain on Wednesday. 100% she will blame me and say it is the stress of me moving. BUT if I make sure I have a loss then she will look silly. I'm the one that is moving, and she is the one gaining weight.

Filled up the big box. I'm amazed at how much clothing one little boy has! Thing is I'm not hungry and I don't really fancy anything so I might just leave today on 1 syn.
Ah I do love her though. the "we will give you £350... well... including the money grandad sent the other month" .... so £50 then. haha. Don't make it look really, really, generous to the carpet man. £300 is mine that you're holding for me so I don't spend it because I knew I'd need it for house stuff.

I should say some of the crisps were eaten by m&d the other day, and they shared them again today. she didn't eat the whole big bag this evening. Something I keep fantasizing about. Dad's drunk LOADS though. mum seems to have been pretty good compared to what dad would tempt her with.

Popped on the scales for the mid week peek.... well it read 14st 5.8lbs :O mine are a little lighter than SW ones, but it is looking good for the week to hit my -2lbs goal (14st 7lbs) woop.
I'd love to eat some walkers sensations vintage cheddar and chutney... yum or mcoys s&v... oh I must stop now. I love crisps.

Whoop! That's great hun. You are shrinking.
Your burger sounds so good!!!

Your Mum will learn her lesson come Wednesday on those scales but I bet she enjoyed that white bread, its so tasty but so bad x
Morning Fran so glad to read that your feeling better hun.

Lots of Yays today lol - yay to the scales looking good. yay to the carpets being ordered, yay to the low syns and yay to the burgers they sound amazing, and YAY to the night out. I hope your mum doesnt blame you for her gain if she has one, you didnt force any of the foodage into her mouth lol.
Ah adelle. Salt and vinegar is my weakness. I keep staring at all things salt and vinegar. I rarely have them as I will munch a whole big bag easily.

The burger was good, but I would be happy with a single patty made in the smaller size I did, so I think I will do that in future. The bread was a case of she was hungry and it was there, but she could have had the ham, tomatoes and food she had bought. White bread makes me feel ill for the rest of the day if I have it. I love it, but I don't eat it because it makes me feel so rubbish.

The scale reading is very exciting. 2lbs is my aim and I will just carry on as normal and hope to see the result on Wednesday.

Mum will blame me but that's typical. The women who gain going "it's the grandkids' fault, I have to buy biscuits for them." Yeah... Ok... If you buy the biscuits for the kids why have YOU put the weight on? Did the calories transfer via osmosis? Or did you eat the biscuits? It isn't the kids' fault you ate them.

Had 1.5 bacon, 2 sausage (1), half an egg, onion, mushrooms, tomatoes, and beans for breakfast. Yum. Made a mini English for Nate too, hence strange amounts. He mostly just wanted beans, but he ate the rest of it too. Lamb is for Sunday dinner. Syn free for me as I don't like gravy. Then I have my hea and heb left for my Sunday supper of a cheese and onion roll. I'm proper addicted to them. And I have syns left so I could have some crisps or chocolate if I fancy it :)

Nate is about to nap. He seems so tired a lot recently, I think he is going to go through another development jump. And while he is down I have some jobs to do. No cooking for me though. If it is roast lamb or beef dad cooks it, if it is pork or chicken I do it.
The downside is dad uses every item in the kitchen so it is a lot of washing up. We had months of it being just me doing the cooking, this week I did Wednesday and Saturday, dad is doing today, mum did Thursday and Friday, i will be doing Tuesday and probably Monday too, but mum MIGHT do Monday. So generally mum and I share and dad does something on the odd occasion. Soon I will be doing all of it, but that's normal and I can make multiple meals to minimize overall effort.
No that they are helping now too, not fair on you to have to cook all the time when they are eating it too!

Aah man cooking, I know it well! It actually baffles me how they do it! Food sounds good as ever! Cheese and onion roll sounds so good, amazing how much you miss the humble sandwich when you do t have them often!
Ooh. I always have a cheese and red onion roll on a Sunday. It is tradition now. Dinner was lovely. Lamb, potatoes, peas, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus. Yum. So still on 1 syn today and zero snacking :O

Nate has been saying "penny in pocket" and puts a penny down the waistband of his trousers, which then falls down, he sees it and repeats the process again. So funny, he thinks he has found loads of pennies, not just the one.

I will be making an appointment re liver knickers tomorrow, I forgot last week, and we have had an unpleasant development since last night. Joy. Stupid uterus. I would happily give it to someone else.

You know this nice, normal, straightforward life I keep seeing advertised everywhere? Where do I go get me one of those? Mine is like the lemminy snicket book's - a series of unfortunate events. Lol.