How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)


Ice cream time!

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We were only out for a couple of hours. Poor lamb was exhausted and the wellies he wanted to wear rubbed the back of his heals. I said next week we are in big boy pants and if he wears the big boy pants in the day all week then we can go to Exeter shopping and he can get new wellies. Only my boy sees shoe shopping as a reward. Tee hee.

Been good again. A few times I wanted to snaffle chocolate.

B: cherries, raspberries and a yogurt
S: apple, pear and banana
L: savoury pancakes with onions, mushrooms and tomatoes heb
S: grapes a jammy dodger 2.5 syns
D: chicken and veg curry with rice. Left some of it.

Hea has been on milk. I cooked enough rice for kedgeree in the morning. Yum. Roast pork for Sunday dinner with a heb for supper.
Kedgeree for breakfast. Lovely. Oven is warming for giant roast, washing is on and sun is shining. Just need to clean the kitchen, although it's tempting to eat outside.

After weeks of going once or twice a week I've gone 3 times since Wednesday, so now I'm wondering if it isn't thyroid and it's something else going on? :s roll on Thursday. Need to remember to not eat after 9pm tonight.
Lots to catch up on as not been in this week, hope the docs gets to the bottom of whatever is wrong and either way helps you feel better. It's miserable being poorly especially then you've got so much to be doing and a little one to care for.
Speaking of whom, I laughed at his little song " boys have willies and girls have gaginas!" I might start singing that too :) love the pics, he is such a handsome boy!
We have thanks. If a bit naughty. I'm having the "I can't eat after 9pm amd so need to eat the world nooooow feelings. Nate has been eating the world today. So cute he giggled and wriggled and squealed when i said we were having roast pork. This time I gave him apple sauce too and he went crazy for it. Not had my heb yet so might pork sandwich it up! Yum.

Saw you had a lovely walk this morning but haven't caught up post that!
Aww Scarlett! How are you?!? Boys have willies, girls have gaginas can only be sung at full volume whilst dancing gaily.

I will be sure to bear that in mind when singing it!
I'm really good thanks sweetie, had an exciting wedding planning day yesterday, chose my flowers (we will be arranging them ourselves so had a practice)


Picked up my wedding dress and it felt much looser than last realised why! Keeping off the scales and going to gym regularly I've only got and hit and exceeded target! A pound less than my target I weighed in at today. Gob smacked still! Not entirely sure I believe the scales so will def be re checking next time I'm at the gym!

How are you feeling now? Is it a blood test you're waiting on now? X
Aww that's fabulous news, weight, dress and flowers :) yay! What's your date again?

Yeah blood test tomorrow and results on Thursday. I forgot the word "ground" yesterday :( forgot dad's birthday, I remembered long term so card and present were ready. Nate was talking about it that morning, then when I saw him a couple of hours later I'd forgotten again. It's getting really frustrating. I had to get nate to open the squash bottle the other morning, I think this Hidradenitis suppurativa - NHS Choices is what's going on with my skin, ironically it's gotten worse this past year as I've weighed less than before as an adult. The freaky liver period, the fact it's gone from super regular to a bit wonky and varies from a 3 dayer to a 6 dayer, being tired all the time, my nails splitting and my thumbnails have developed ridges, going to the loo less and less often. It's silly like so many bitty things but the feeling cold and tired and forgetting everything is really getting to me. I just want to know what is up and how to fix it.
Aww that's fabulous news, weight, dress and flowers :) yay! What's your date again? Yeah blood test tomorrow and results on Thursday. I forgot the word "ground" yesterday :( forgot dad's birthday, I remembered long term so card and present were ready. Nate was talking about it that morning, then when I saw him a couple of hours later I'd forgotten again. It's getting really frustrating. I had to get nate to open the squash bottle the other morning, I think this Hidradenitis suppurativa - NHS Choices is what's going on with my skin, ironically it's gotten worse this past year as I've weighed less than before as an adult. The freaky liver period, the fact it's gone from super regular to a bit wonky and varies from a 3 dayer to a 6 dayer, being tired all the time, my nails splitting and my thumbnails have developed ridges, going to the loo less and less often. It's silly like so many bitty things but the feeling cold and tired and forgetting everything is really getting to me. I just want to know what is up and how to fix it.

Oh got ages yet, was a year on Friday! 14th March next year but I'm just being super organised!

Bless you Hun that sounds horrid. Really hope they can get to the bottom of whatever it is so they can start to treat you and help you feel better again. Do you think it is thyroid trouble then, if don't know much about it all to be honest but does it seem to tick the right boxes? X
Yeah, I didn't mention the loo or my crappy hands I don't think (hence no knitting or embroidery etc), or the spots, and she mentioned liver period, but she was pretty certain. I'm just worried it seems too easy an answer, if that makes sense.

Aww, hopefully the weather will be like this! Warm and sunny! One of my brides hasn't been answering my email or calls. Bit worrying as she wants to get married in July. Got a funeral tomorrow. Which is all sorted. Feeling so useless at work atm. Just got 3 days again this week then 6 days off. We're trying potty training yet again. I told Nate if he goes a week in big boy pants in the day we will go to Exeter to go shopping and we'll get him some new wellies. Ha. Only my almost 3 year old boy can be bribed with a shopping trip. There are two shops he hates, the terrace (a clothes shop in town) and a craft shop in Exeter. Other than that he loves it. Nut.

Sorry, that makes little sense!
Awww Fran ((big hugs)) I hope you hear from them soon hun. 6 Days off for you will be good and hopefully you will get your results in that time xx

Lol @ Nate loving the shopping trip
Oh he loves it. He was most disappointed we weren't going anywhere today. Bless him. But was very happy nanny and grandad were coming for dinner, which was his favourite roast pork. And he has caught a little sun, I think I might have too.

The time off is because the childminder can't do Friday after 3pm, so we're taking it off,then it's the weekend, then it's Nate's birthday, then Tuesday- might send nate to childminder depending on potty training situation, then it's my normal day off and Nate's first day at preschool!!! Then back to work. Shame the forecast keeps changing!
Awww little man is growing up quick hun I never check the forecast cos im stuck in a freezing cold no matter what the weather building lol most of my day is spent there from 7.15 to 4.30 anyway grrrr
Haha he's a dear little thing loving to shop! Really hope you get an answer soon to all the problems you've been having. Sounds like you've really been through it lately.
6 days off will be nice, hope work is going well, even with the extra challenges you've been finding with feeling poorly too. Wow pre school! That all seems very grown up haha! Is nate 3 now? I've found with boys I've potty trained before they won't do it before then are ready, it suddenly clicks and then you wonder what all the fuss was about lol. Xx
Yuk! I'm just 4 hours 4 days a week but it's worth knowing for working out tourist visitors and for burials and services etc. Worth knowing for piddle foot too!

Monkey is so grown up. His language and problem solving and numeracy skills are amazing. I find it hard to know what's regular sometimes. I was reading and he came wanting to do letters and spelt out the chapter title "corn" with no help from me. I then helped put the sounds together to make the word. He sang counting to 20 dancing along at the zoo last week. Kinda relying on people with older kids to find out what's normal. Don't want the mums of his peers thinking I'm THAT mum bbecause i dont know any better. He'll be 3 next Monday. Can't wait as everyone thinks he's 4 as it is. When i say he's nearly 3 they go "so he's 2!!!" It gets a bit embarrassing. My giant boy :) he's on the height chart now which is new and nice! He is a very grown up boy other than the toilet thing. I'm not stressing about it, but we do a few trials to see if he is ready. The preschool are very relaxed about it too. He's got 3 sessions before half term that I'm paying for, then after half term he's funded. Then next September is primary school. And I'll either be next door at work, or if the new school is built it will be next door to the house :)

I'm falling asleep here and the news is finished so night night!