

Full Member
Hi everyone.

Finally got the courage to sign up having been lurking here reading for the past couple of weeks

I'm a middle aged female who has slowly but surely been gaining weight over the past five years or so - three stone in fact. So fed up of it, and seem unable to shift it myself despite numerous efforts, so I signed up to Slimming World a fortnight ago - my first time at trying anything like this.

Thrilled to lose 2.5 lbs in the first week, but very disappointed this evening to find I have lost precisely nothing on my second weigh-in. Thinking about it, I did have quite a bit of wine at the weekend, and maybe wasn't quite as accurate as I should have been in totting up my syns, even though on the face of it, I did stick to the plan for most of the week and I do try and get my exercise in every day, so I thought that might get me out of trouble. Alas no.

So despite feeling a bit down about not getting a weight loss on my second week, it's made me even more determined to stick at it, and just be more careful about noting everything down and making sure I'm not deluding myself with what I eat/drink.

I am in this for the long haul. It took five years for this weight to go on - pound by pound, and although I hope it won't take that long to come off :eek: ... I know it's going to be a slow process and I'm prepared for that.

Well I'll shut up now. Looking forward to reading and hopefully joining in the discussions here.
You sound very determined and I'm sure it won't take 5 years for you to get it off hun. Good luck and hope to see you round the boards!
Welcome to the forum and good luck! If you stick to the SW plan 100% it works wonders :) You just have to make sure you syn EVERYTHING and if you're not sure of the exact syn value, I always round it up from what I think it might be by 1 syn :) x Good luck! xx
Thank you very much for the replies - really appreciated.

I spent most of last night checking out any hidden 'syn' extras I might have had .. but it looks as though I was pretty accurate in logging them correctly. So it seems my weekend blowout was enough to prevent me losing any weight last week. That's how I've got to look at. I just didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain anything either. I think it's taught me a lesson early on how easy it is to undo all the good work I've done on the other days. If I'd 'got away with it' I'd maybe have got the wrong idea about how it's possible to bend the rules a bit and still lose weight, so the fact that I didn't lose an ounce has given me a bit of kick up the backside early on.