Hunger all of a sudden?!

Hi I am halfway through week 3, having my three shakes, drinking 4 litres of water a day, plus black coffee, and peppermint tea ( no oil) nothing has touched my lips that I am not allowed. Today I feel very hungry- but I haven't been before today. Has anyone else had hungry days, and do your erm.. monthly cycles affect this? My doc says I should not be hungry if it ketosis, but I haven't done anything to jeopardize this but still feel hungry... REALLY hungry!!!
Would be very grateful for some inspiration and support today :)

I'm on week 2 my Pharmacist recommends fibre clear as it will help you go the loo and fibre makes you fuller they gave me free sample, I'm tempted today but abstained, Good luck I'm sure someone who has been doing this longer may help. perhaps it does have hormonal links!

Poll x
I am on week 2, day 10 and I have woken up really hungry today! :-(
Usually I don't have my first shake til about 11am, but will probably have it at 10 today. Maybe it's because I left it too long between shakes yesterday? I was up at 5am (for work) had my first shake at 10am, second 1 at 2pm and 3rd one at 7pm (I was actually hungry at that point!) my job is cabin crew so I can't always just eat at the exact times I would like to.
But I'm off for 2 days now so I will try and get into a better routine again.
Has your routine changed in any way?
Hope the hunger passes for us!
Bev x
I've had my first shake of the day and I actually think I'm misreading the hunger for sickness! I feel really sick :-(
Just going it go back to bed and see if I feel any better later on :-(
Oh no guys!!!! Sickness is yucky. Bev glad you are feeling hungry too- makes me feel a bit better!!! No routine hasn't changed- I work 9-6 so usually have shakes around 11,3and 8. Tired and shaky today- maybe it is hormonal or a little bug of some sort!!

Take care..... X
Hi Hun, I've woken up today and the sickness has gone (thank goodness!) I'm feeling great! I've got to attend some scouting training today where there will be Danish pastries and other temptations :-( positive thinking and plenty of black tea for me!!
Keep going xxx
Hi Hun, I've woken up today and the sickness has gone (thank goodness!) I'm feeling great! I've got to attend some scouting training today where there will be Danish pastries and other temptations :-( positive thinking and plenty of black tea for me!!
Keep going xxx

Good Luck Nearly xx you can do it!!