Hungry - In Ketosis



Im definitely in ketosis. I got the strips to check as I wasn't sure. What I don't understand is I am really hungry. Its not dehydration as Im drinking 4 litres of water a day. Any thoughts / ideas?
I thought I felt hungry but I realised its actually a food craving rather than hunger for me, something I need to get under control if I want to stay slim when I get to goal. Could it be that?
Thanks for your response. I don't think it is cravings. My stomach is grumbling. I guess its really hard to understand what it is.
A much misunderstood thing about ketosis is that it doesn't completely take away hunger. In fact, the jury's out as to whether it's ketosis itself that acts as an appetite suppressant or whether it's just the drastic reduction in food intake that does it.

Whatever it is, there will be times when you feel hungry. Because let's face it, you are. Ketosis/food reduction/insulin stabilisation may be fooling your body some of the time that you don't need to eat, but you're operating under a huge calorie deficit. At times, you're going to feel hungry. The appetite suppression effect makes it easier to bear, that's all.

So you're likely doing nothing wrong at all. The good news is that you can usually ride out the hunger pangs - they do go away for hours at a time if you hang in there.
Learnt that the hard way >.<

My consultant recommended that if it got too bad, have a SS+ day. I've done this twice, once I had an extra Cambridge meal, once I had a chicken salad. I couldn't even finish the salad, it was so much food compared to what I'm used to and it filled me up for like 2 days!
I try to do this once a week or less though cos my reason for being on Cambridge is that I don't trust myself with food and know if I did SS+ all the time, I'd end up eating more and more