I am slimmingd0wn!!!

Hello ladies.

So back from my parents house ... What a nightmare.
I ate as much on track as I could ... i.e. jacket potato with beans, but then mum would add on 3 sausages. Or toast for breakfast, sugar in my tea instead of the sweetners I asked for. Oh mum! lol.

I STS last week. EXACTLY the same to the point.

So thats crap. I can see that again this week or even a gain unless I get my ass in gear and sort this shiz out! My OH is off on holiday from work too ... rare time together = food mayhem!

We came back home today, so food is back in control my end. Dinner is steak, salad and jacket potato.

I wont tell u what else I ate today (mcdonalds quarter pound meal). LOL.



Also.. more news is that my wedding is happening sooner than planned. As in March 2012 sooner. So not only is this about my holiday this is about my wedding.

I need to get on it... and do what I came here to do. LOSE WEIGHT.

I need motivational tips... things that stop u eating bad food, and motivation to weigh and measure everything in order for me to get to goal.

Tomorrow is planned already:

Porridge breakfast (HE a&b)
tomato pasta lunch with salad
Stir fry dinner.

Snacks = apples, satsumas and pears.

I WILL stick to this. I am working 8-5 so it will be hard not to!

Well done on your 1.5 Lozza! Bet u were chuffed :p

So yesterday was out of the way. Had fish and veg and mash for dinner. Had my HEa&b (milk and bread)... and all 15 syns.
Had lots of fruit apples, satsumas etc.

porridge (a&b)
pasta and salad for lunch
Stirfry and rice for dinner. .

I NEED to stick to this.

I am having a crazy few weeks really... with OH being off, it means we are off travelling round the UK to see family. I.e. tomorrow we are off to hampshire for a few days. Takeaways happen when reuniting of families begin. Nightmare.

The otherside of me is also thinking ... although I am not supposed to on the traditional sw diet.... look at the calories in stuff. So try not to exceed so many (bar fruit and veg).

This is what happens when I start to freak out about losing weight. I start looking at cals and fat content. :(

Really struggling to be honest. I just cant seem to focus?
