I broke my diet but feeling good x


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I broke my diet today I am not going to say I cheated because that would mean I felt guilty but I do not I made the conscious decision that i was going to enjoy my little girls birthday and I did not go mad and I am going to carry on with lipotrim with no problems because now I know that I am definately strong enough to carry on I did not feel I wanted to eat and it was not a struggle to say no and I would have quite easily sat and drank water but my little girl was watching me and having so much fun I did not want to feel I missed out on her first birthday x but it just shows how much 5 weeks on lipotrim changes you as a person because 5 weeks ago I would have stuffed my face and then some so I am proud of myself x
woke up this morning feeling great and had a sneaky wee step on scales and you know what not a single pound on lol!!! and do not even have hunger pangs today so obviously did not do too badly xx heres to the last few weeks and a brand new me x
Glad you didn't put on any weight but don't be tempted to think a little blip here and there won't hurt because it may slow down your losses and it means you are missing the point of the plan entirely ie not to eat :) x glad you had a super day though ha ha I never even got a chance to eat at my kids party it was chaos!!!!
I am not planning on a repeat performance and am totally back in the zone in fact not even tempted even a little bit weird I know just did not want to miss out on the fun of my little ones first birthday x I only have a matters of weeks to go and there is no way I am risking spoiling all my hard work lol x
Hope you enjoyed your day off I have a pkanned say off coming up on Saturday its my mums wedding and I plan to eat and be straight back on the wagon the next day, I'm gonna limit my carbs and stick to water but I really plan to enjoy myself. Hope your daughter had a great first birthday
Yes, I had a lovely dinner out for Mothers day and have been 100% since then. Totally agree that we have to keep focused, but its great to believe that we can be adult enough to make our choices. I had planned Sunday from the week before and like that, enjoyed my meal but didn't go mad, and was straight back on track from Monday.