i have seen a gym from the inside today :)


Full Member
so hubby dragged me kicking and screaming to the gym on camp today:eek:
stood me on the tread mill and told me how to turn it on and set it all up for me, he then got onto the mill next to mine, and we walked on it at a pace that didnt give me a heart attack together.
was kinda nice, even though i wanted to murder him on the way to the gym.
we will do it again on friday, and i cant wait
hehe, aww XD thats cool, congratulations :) I wish I could afford a gym atm, having to make do with what I've got at home, exercise bike and set of dumbell weights!

Hope you have a nice time on friday :)
Good for you!!! :D Hope you keep on enjoying it :D
even though i only did 30 min on the tread mill, i felt rather good once i came off it, huffing and puffing, but weird enough also happy and proud.
Hi. It is really difficult going for the first time, but don't you feel energized afterward? I used to always have a swim and jacuzzi after my workout as a treat.
i didnt make it back on friday as i had an unexpected job interview.
but have been today, done 35 min on the tread mill, and came out beetroot red and happy
so odd as i used to run the opposite direction before if gym was mentioned
Well done for going back!! :D
i have been slacking on the extra exercise the last two weeks, couldnt motivate myself.
i think all my motivation went on stopping smoking.
i have bought a proper dutch granny bike, no gears, and was daft enough to take my mutt out on it, 20min later i could have murdered the mutt, and shot the bike to the moon :rolleyes:
daft dog decided to lunge at every dog behind the fence along the way, dont know what gotten into him, as he is used to run along the bike with the hubby. maybe he thought my bingo wings needed some extra exercise :p
today i was really good, went to gym, met up with hubby and done 45 min on the tread mill fatburning exercise.
i burned 500 kalories, and am well chuffed with it, now to keeping up the good work:whacky068:
I try to go to the gym 3 times a week (mon,wed,fri) and I seem to alternate between being really motivated one week and doing a good 45 minutes each of those days on the treadmill and then the next week or two I end up finding excuses not to go even though i know it will be doing me good GRRRR!!!

Typical excuses:

Ive had a long day at work, im tired and could do with spending that 45 mins on the couch :p

Im hungry so if I go to the gym i'll feint (lol)

I'll take the dog for a walk instead (get home and do nothing lol)

and the list goes on and on!!!!