I just did 30 mins exercise!


Mad old Bat with Attitude
I feel great! Don't even need the paramedics! Why when I know how good it makes me feel don't I do it more often? :confused:
I got the Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk from Lovefilm to see what it was like. I wouldn't buy it, it's very basic, BUT! I did the whole half hour, I was slightly out of breath and sweating by the end and I have that High!
It's weird isn't it that we know we will feel great after yet still struggle to find the motivation to actually do it!
Lol...well done Huni!!!

I went to aqua-aerobics last night and came home and said to Hubby that I may take up jogging again!....may!
I love that exercise "high" too :) Makes me wonder why I don't do more of it sometimes! I look forward to WI day because I have a 2.5 mile walk to get to my class then the same to get home - I always feel knackered but brilliant by the time i get back. :D
When someone knows the answer to why it's so hard to exercise (esp. when I've missed my morning spot by turning the alarm off - blush), please let me know!
I think it's an association thing. When I was at my biggest the gym was a total no-go area. I didn't want to be the biggest one in there, I didn't want to be stared at and most of all I didn't want to see myself in the mirrors! I also wasn't very fit so it was very hard work! Now I am nowhere near the biggest person in there and even if I was, no one would be looking at me as they are all too busy with their work outs. I am fitter and my program is tailored to my capabilities AND I feel fantastic after a work out. BUT it is still hard to find the motivation to get there because the old association is still there. I have to tell myself that I will feel good after and it's good to go there. Soon the old association will be gone and replaced with the good one and then I will WANT to go!