I need an intervention!


Fresh start
I can't get my head straight!! I have all the packs and I'm ready to get going. I was doing so well on s&s then fell pregnant. I then suffered a miscarriage. I now can't get restarted. I have just started a new part time job working 8.30-2.30 and I am going without breakfast, snacks, lunch and then have "tea" in the evening. I have put 4lbs on and I feel miserable. I can't look in the mirror. I just want to be back on plan and sticking to it. I need help to work out when to have my packs etc. I don't want to be stuck in this rut. Xx
Come on you can do this hun!!! I suggest not having a pack in the morning having a bar around half 11-12 Ish then a pack when you finish at 2.30 then you still have 2 to play with in the evening! Be strong! A new job is an perfect new start!!
As above, if that suits. Personally I space my packs out 4 hourly so if I was you I'd have Brekkie at about 8 - bar and water on bus/train or even a latte using skimmed milk allowance. Lunch at about 12, then another pack at 4, then the last one at 8.
You can do this. Stop being so hard on yourself, you have had a lot to deal with. Stop and think - what works for you? Are you more likely to be hungry if you have 'breakfast' or if you fast? Everyone is different so you need to think what works for you!!! Most important - you need to look forward and stop beating yourself up!!! Good luck - we are all here for you x
I know what you mean but sometimes the more I want something the more I sabotage myself!! Crazy huh! Maybe if you stop worrying and think of good things your brain might get in the right place! Try writing down 3 things that have made you smile at the end of each day! It helps bring your mood up you go to sleep smiling sleep better and usually wake up in a much more positive mood! Xx
Good luck :)
My three things today!!
1. My oh told me he couldn't live without me
2. I giggled whilst in a trance in hypnotherapy lifted my whole body into happiness!!!
3. I was told I had a beautiful smile
Awwww cute.
1. New boss said im doing really well
2. Hubby gave me lots of cuddles
3. You guys being brill as ever xx
:) I'm going to write them on here every night u think! Because reading yours this morning has made me smile and I really did wake up in a good mood!!
Thanks all credit to my hypnotherapist really!! She is an amazing woman!