i really need some motivation


New Member
hi i have been watching this forum for some time now but this time i thought i join in. i know i need to loose weight, i know slimming world off by heart so why can't i do it ? my husband has told me that i need to do it (it doesn't help that he is really fit with a 6 pack) the doctor has told me that i have to (problems with my liver) and my kids have mentioned that i would be happy like their friends mums if i was slim like them. part of me thinks why should i. i am 36yrs old and i should be able to eat and drink what i want but i know that i can't carry on the way i am going. i caught site of myself in a mirror today in a public toilet and i looked pregnant. i am really starting to detest the way i look and if i feel like this goodness knows what my husband thinks. knowing that i feel like this and everyone wanting me to do it why do i keep sabotaging it. i have no will power at all.
Getting started is the hardest part. Sounds like you have all the motivators in your head you just need to take the first step. If your husband is quite active why don't you try to find something you can enjoy together?
Possibly your brain is rebelling because other people are telling you what you should/shouldn't be doing. The brain likes to be in control.

Try and ease yourself into it. It will be a bit 1 step forward/2 back for a while but you will find a day comes when everything clicks into place and you flip a switch and away you go.

I just started aiming for one perfect day a week to start with and then just increased the number of perfect days as the weeks went by.
Thanks guys for the replys. I am fine starting the plan and possibly for the next month or so. But then i get board or something comes up. Mostly i am board or on my own alot as hubby works alot of days and nights so then i pick. I used to go the meeting for support but if i am really skint one week I can't justify spending the money on someone telling what i all ready know.
I know I have some mental block when it comes to all of this I just some need to get past it.
That is the hard part.
Some meeting telling you what you already know....I know exactly what you mean. I have spent so long dieting I feel I already know what I need to. But I don't use groups just to learn new stuff. I go to group because I KNOW if I don't I will fall off the wagon, as you say you do. I NEED group or I will slip up, make the same old excuses and fall back into bad habits. I'm simply not at a point on the road where I am ready to go at it alone.

Attending group keeps me on the right track. Perhaps it could for you too?
I find that the group is the opposite of someone telling me anything. Your story sounds like mine. But I've decided that I DESERVE to feel good, healthy and fit. The added bonus being the pride and support of family and friends. I'm only 3 weeks in (and had a bad day today) but I'm definitely going to my meeting next week. ;)


I had a bad day today too.. but there is always tomorrow.. and it works if your work it, work it as your worth it!!

Never say i cant, i can i will and i am.. an old friend has been telling me that for years.. and she is always right cas i end up doing what i tot i cudnt!
