I start tomorrow

Well done for starting Tiara. I have about 11 stone to lose so definitely know what you mean! It's seems such a long way to go, but we will get there.

My hubby is also doing CD with me, except he may be doing it with a bit of a twist - he will probably be having Tuesdays off!

Men do lose it quicker which isn't fair, but like me, I bet you can't wait for you both to be a healthy weight!
Hi Bunny,

Sorry Just notived your reply. I think it will be easier for us if you husbands are doing it with us. I'm not sure how he will have got on today. He was on a training day and his work was providing lunch. I don't know how he'll get out of it or whether he'll just give in and eat it!!

I'm on day 2 now and finding it a bit tough. Not really feeling hungry as such just got a bad headache and generally feeling a bit groggy. I'm going to take a day off work tomorrow so hopefully feel a bit better after a day at home.

I'm glad I'm not alone in this. This forum is such a great support! Hope thinks are going well with you.

Talk soon

Tiara x
Hi Tiara,

How you getting on? Just seen you are feeling groggy and have a headache, i felt like that yesterday but honestly i feel fantastic today. Feel like i am in the real world again. Just hope i carry on feeling like that on day 4.

Keep in touch x

Hi Skinny,
God I feel awful. I feel like I've got the flu. One part of me is telling me that all I have to do is eat to feel better but I don't want to give up. It is probably because I didn't cut down on carbs beforehand. I'm glad you feel better today. I will try and stick with it and see if i feel any better tomorrow. I'm currently having my last soup of the day and I think I'll have an early night but I need to cook my daughter's tea 1st though - an ordeal in itself.

Sorry to moan. I think I needed to though!
Tiara hun you will get through tonight and feel great tomorrow. Then you will look back on today and feel so proud of yourself for getting through it.

I must be in ketosis cause i feel sooooo good x

You are not moaning hun its just that you are feeling rough, which is understandable.

Weighed myself today and my scales have moved to 5lbs less, so, so far it has been worth the hard work

Keep up the good work hun and reap the rewards x
Thanks Skinny,
You're doing really well. I hope I do feel better after today. I don't think I can manage this if I feel like this for much longer. I've just taken some paracetamol and drinking more water to see if that helps.
Hi Tiara,

Just read you other message, my advice would be to try and stick with it until tomorrow and see how you feel. A goodnights sleep can make a big difference. I felt a little strange yesterday it was like i was on another planet, not quite with it if you know what i mean (my mates would say i am like that everyday).

Hope this helps hun x
Tiara, the thing that has kept me going is that I am going to Center Parcs in September with skinny friends. I just keep telling myself that there is no way I can be this size then and think how wonderful it will be to be near target then.

Have you got anything special that you can concentrate on like that, to keep you focussed.

I just keep telling myself that no matter how hard it is, it's not forever and I will soon be feeling brilliant.

Keep going, you can do it!
Thank you Skinny and Bunny,
Everybody is being great. If I wasn't on here I'd have eaten that big of chicken that's in the kitchen by now!!
I've got my friend's wedding in 6 weeks time. Obvipusly I'd like to be down a bit by then but it's going to take a lot longer than that to reach my target weight. I'm definitely not going to give up but just wondered if switching to 790 might make things a little easier for me. I'll have to give it some thought. Thank you both for your support x