I want to look great naked!

I started off so positive this week and then sadly, I feel it went a bit wrong by the end of the week, LOL!

Ever since I weighed myself, I just haven't been able to get into the Paul Mckenna rules and have wanted to eat whatever, whenever. And all of it is really crap food as well. It's a shame that I never want to keep eating fruit or vegetables when I do this LOL!

Perhaps I am self sabotaging or because I have weighed myself, my eating mechanisms has decided that I am dieting and has started to want to just eat. I also have some difficult tests this week and not sure if maybe I am also doing a bit of emotional eating. <Shrugging> It beats me! LOL!

Anyway, my average daily calories for the past week is actually 1300 and I actually feel like I have put on weight. And perhaps I have put on a pound or so. But I don't think I want to go near my weighing scales for a while...

On a good note, I got my jogging time up to 20 minutes this week which I am really pleased with.

I am now going to bed and going to listen to Paul Mckenna's CD for loosing weight in the hope that this will get me back in to the 'groove' and to go back to following the 4 rules:

1. only eat when you are hungry
2. stop eating when you no longer hungry
3. eat what you want and not what you think you should
4. (and the hardest for me!) eat every mouthful consciously.
Hi Masataka,

My weekends are a shame, I also eat better during the week...
Anyway you must be proud for your jogging time:)

Hope you have a good week and stick to Paul McKenna's rules ;)

I have been a bit busy with one thing or another recently. It looks like I will be moving and starting a new job next week and it's during the run up to Christmas too! But it means I am ready for a new start in the New Year :)

Anyway, with regards to looking after my health and diet, I have recently had good days and bad days. I know there was one day when there was still bits of snow around, my housemate and I had a pizza each and a couple of bottles of wine in front of the TV. We then finished off the day with some chocolates. It was a nice treat but when I worked out my calorie count the next day, I had found that in this one day, I had managed to eat twice my recommended calorie allowance for a day :eek:. But for the next few days, I didn't really feel too hungry, perhaps not suprisingly, LOL! Hence I didn't nearly eat as much, thankfully!

Being a bit more busy, I have done slightly less exercise recently too. My maximum jogging time has been 15 minutes but I did run as fast as I could for 5 minutes (I was listening to a really funky song, LOL!)

So, have I put on weight or lost weight? Well, I haven't weighed myself but all my clothes are still fitting me exactly the same. So I think I haven't put on weight neither have I lost. I think I am just exactly the same. I hope so anyway!
I have been feeling a bit busy so I haven't kept a log of what I am eating. To be honest, I am feeling a bit stressed with the number of events going on in my life at the moment. I will probably feel a lot more relaxed by mid this week once I have started my new job in a completely different part of the UK to where I currently reside. Yes, I am moving homes too!

But this is all happening at the end of the year/beginning of next year. So I think I am getting ready for a new year and a new life :)
It's been Xmas and well, it hasn't gone well...

This is because there has been 3 days this week where I drunk a whole bottle of wine which means 600 calories in one go. Then of course, once I drink, I don't stop eating :(

So I am feeling a bit porky!

However, yesterday and today has been alcohol free so my daily calorie intake are within my daily allowance again.

Although at the end of this week, there is New Year's Eve and my 40th birthday so this will be another 2 days of drinking and eating a bit too much probably....

On a postive note, jogging maximum time this week: 25 minutes - yahoo!

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! :D
Well having eaten and drunk too much and not doing sufficient exercise over the Xmas/New Year's Eve and my 40th birthday, I am now back to 8 stone 4 which is where I was when I started my log - LOL!

But now that this period is over, it is time to drink less. And when I drink less I will probably eat less and will do more exercise. So hopefully, I will be on target now to a thinner me :)
Well I have had a great start to the year. Not because I think I have lost weight or anything like that but because my scales are broken! No longer can I start stripping off all my clothes in the vain hope that I will magically suddenly lose a pound with less clothes on...

Anyway, I also have been on my WI Fit for the first time in over a year and it told me that I had lost 8 pounds! I knew I weighed a bit less than a year ago but I was really shocked by this weight loss.

It also told me that I am about 8 stone 2lbs. I think I might have put on a pound or two since this weigh in but still, it's a good start to the year and I'm going to stick to this memory :D
Hello Masataka :)

Congrats for the weight loss. I'm sure this year you'll keep losing weight;)

Stay strong on the wi fit!
