IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

hey Jo - did you sell plenty?? and you look boiling in that big coat!!!!!
Im the same with the overeating !
A lighter gain than usual for me this weekend even with being bad - tis due to the higher carbs = less gain when i go weekend crazy!
Dubs - if you look closely at my signature, you'll see that I'm now more or less at my START Dukan weight. You're right in that I am very hard on myself, but I fear that if I lightened up, I'd be 22 stone again by the end of next year! If eating were an Olympic sport, I'd be a medal contender. When I get going, it's quite scarey!

Vicky - yes we did pretty well. Over €225! I stayed off the scales this morning - no more scarey Monday weights for me! And I've a gala dinner with my godson on Wednesday for his 18th (creperie). But at least I'm quite serene in myself doing it this way and, as a big fruit fan, restricting myself to fruit weekends only gives me that as a treat then... so I don't need more! And alcohol has never been my thing, so no worries there! ;D

You're right about the less serious gain now that we eat more carbs...
wow! thats a fab amount Jo! MMM creperie i wanna come xxx
I'm sure most of us have lots of "treasures" to offload at such an event.
I had a routine arthrosis check up last night with my GP. I give him full credit for my walking routine, and I was quite chuffed at his praise that I've stuck at it. I'm now at between 35 and 40km a week, and it's been a few years since I started, and it's not only having a good effect on the arthrosis but also my BP is lower and lower virtually each time I see him. Now 95/60 and he's delighted! (I'm no athlete but I've built up stamina.)

He thinks my weight is fine. Doesn't understand my stabilisation/head issues, and doesn't know why I can't just eat "normally". Yeah well, he obviously - like so many medical health professionals - missed that class!

Only cloud on the horizon is that he again wants to check my cholesterol (ouch! was too high last time), and also redo the sugar testing as he still thinks I drink too much and am abnormally thirsty. This is usually fine, so I'll not worry unduly, but my cholesterol is an issue between us as my LDL (bad cholesterol) is ok but borderline, and HDL (good cholesterol) is high, so add them together for the total and it's not good! (So why add them together? beats me!)
Wont it be good to have another cholesterol test to see if theres a good change.
Youve made some effort on that front havnt you?
I dont understand why they add the numbers together either. Daft.

I'm back in the fold for a few weeks up to my hols, work has been crazy and so not been checking in, much much calmer now(maybe too calm, bored). Just had a fab weekend away celebrating a friends birthday and seeing other friends tour and sunday I've a double show day, excited.
hey Jaq xx
Jo - wow on the BP thats fabulous! yes people who dont have our eating issues dont understand. Normal eating?? whats that? xxx
If I were richer and less fussy i swear I'd do one of those meal delivery things, and not have any other food available, leave my cards in the freezer. Never leave myself to my own devices.

I guess that would also mean no social life.
Halfway to work this morning, on my way to do the blood test, I realised I'd put skimmed milk in my tea as usual :-( so I did a lovely detour, under the Eiffel Tower, along the banks of the Seine... and kept my blood!

Jacq - now that I'm no longer Dukanning, my egg consumption has diminished that's true, but because my cholesterol level rose steadily since losing weight, I'm not sure whether it's related or not to food specifically! Age is a factor too, and didn't I read something somewhere about all the fat whizzing around in your blood stream when you yoyo (a graphic image just popped into my mind - I'm sure someone clever can explain that phenomenon better than me!).

So a brief respite as I'll now do the test next week - don't want to do a sugar test the morning after a sugary gala tonight ;)
ooh yum - do you know what you are having tonight?
I really oughtn't post this on a Dukan board... I'll probably have the same I always do... (bacon, egg, cheese for the galette... and something caramel + chocolatey for the dessert...). My punishment is that I walked the long way this morning (6.5K) and will walk to the restaurant (5.0K) and home (1.0K).
hello mousey <waving frantically> A far cry from the steak + green beans we shared together not so long ago ;)
Ooh that was nice!!!

I have just had sardines mashed into butternut squash - methinks I need to go shopping -) |Muffins in the oven (such self control on a WFH day)
mmm jo sounds lovely lovely :D

hey Kim xxx
Kim? Who's Kim? I call her Mouse to her face! I can't be doing with all this pseudo stuff. Mouse is... MOUSE! She's in my phone as Mouse too! And Vick is Vick! OK Scrumps became Tan for obvious reasons!

I'm giggling here at my desk wondering what "WFH day" is, having read it as "WTF day"!
WTF = what the (ooops better not say that!)

OH is coming over for 24H in 10 days time. P&O says £10 each way, £45 return. Go figure. P&O France says €13 each way, €26 return. I'll stick with the French site methinks!
Isn't it just! I expect there's a loophole because we're doing C/D/C rather than D/C/D. Ah well! It'll be nice to get a new stash of philly lite etc in... cottage cheese yum! gojis and oatbran are cheaper your side of the water too! in fact, irrespective of what the Daily Mail tell you, MOST foodstuffs seem cheaper to me!

If you want anything bringing, you'll need to drive to Ely or Douvres...