IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Oh Jo what a shame re: the cholesterol :-( I clearly recall reading that passage, and it did make sense.

Re conso: Can you devise your own rigid conso plan? Gala free save the social occasions you miss? Oh thinking aloud here - it's the missing Keto effect that messes things up isn't it :(

But your Doctor and DrD are right - you really should not keep the up and down pattern for the very reason he describes... HOWEVER if you can manage it in the magical 2kg bracket surely that should be acceptable to any medic, and your cholesterol levels!?

I think I might be working with the 2kg bracket this time - it WAS Fish & Chips for us last night (but I did not finish my plate and I did not feel too stuffed afterwards either) - back to PP today :)

Are you due to get re-tested? Can you engineer it so you have no losses just prior to the test - how long does the effect persist?
Thanks ladies. The current plan of action is this.
Continue as now until [whenever] on holiday, and return to Dukan* on my return until at this weight. Then pass onto some form of Conso - as you say, I can write my own rules, and even up the protein side of the meals if I find I'm getting into "mind hunger" territory again.

* the Dukan I will return to on May 3 will be amended. Egg yolks will be rationed. I can't see my going from current (12-18?) per week to 2, as recommended, but certainly aim for a heck of a lot less and I will stop using "boiled egg" as an extra when I'm short of protein at lunchtime.

The yoyoing needs to stop.

I can fit into clothes at this weight that I've not fitted into for years, and I'm feeling GOOD, so I'm not letting this mess things up for me for now.

June will be Conso. Or a form thereof, as you say.

My GP hasn't received his copy of my blood results yet - cos I've got it. I'll mail them after my holiday in case he calls me in next week, and I couldn't handle that. After holiday, fine. I'll have things worked out.

Liver has to go too. Red meat needs reducing a little. Fish up. Egg yolks down. Other than that, I've looked at the list of baddies, and we don't eat them on Dukan. I wondered about upping the oatbran to 3 tbspoons after holiday.

Things to eat which are good for your cholesterol (red I can't on Dukan; green I can't abide):
  • olive oil
  • rapeseed oil
  • avocado
  • almonds
  • cashews
  • peanuts
  • pistachios
  • herring
  • mackerel
  • pilchards
  • sardines
  • salmon
  • fresh tuna
  • porridge
  • beans
  • lentils
  • fruit
  • vegetables
Bad for me:
Bad for cholesterol:

  • Butter
  • Hard cheese
  • Fatty meat
  • Red and processed meat
  • Biscuits
  • Cakes
  • Cream
  • Lard
  • Dripping
  • Suet
  • Ghee
  • Coconut oil
  • Palm oil
Only one thing to cut back on there!
Good plan!! good luck. Shame about the greens on the 'good' list. The second lot of reds on the good list become 'possibles' in Conso ... ? And I think for 'porridge' read oatbran :)
I'm going to have to make an effort on the "greens", even if it means painstakingly extracting each and every bone (I'll be up all night!!). Tinned are "better" I suppose but I so hate relying on tinned things!

Oh yes definitely oatbran will continue. Possibly even increase if I stay in ketosis why not. Or maybe do more PVs...

I do love eggs, mind ;)

This will mean an egg free board now, you all understand... what I can't have, YOU can't have! I'll be flagging overly eggy menus!
Oops I'd better keep quiet on the egg front then - at least I'm not eating choccie ones!
I'll be able to pet your chicks guilt free ;)
Gosh, Jo! What an awful week you've had:( (just catching up on diaries).

Hopefully the raised cholesterol is a temporary thing due to the recent weightloss.
Interesting on the eggs, a box of 18 does me 2 weeks. But I've upped the meat to get there.

No idea about my cholesterol though not been to a doc in 10years other than for travel jabs.

The newsagent by work has clearly over ordered the creme eggs, 3 for £1 or a box of 48 for £13 (think it was 13 was trying to look away).
Jaqys - you are maybe reading my mind. How I regret needing a six monthly check up for my arthrosis medication. Otherwise, like most people, I'd have had no idea and my apple cart would not be wobbling...!

I have 12 in the country. Two boxes of six. OH has his instructions. Do not touch. They do not "need eating". (He doesn't like them much, he says, yet finished my last year's stock because they'd gone by their sell by date! grrrr!!).

Yes Robin - a real week of it - but the week ends on a good note and the early weigh in glimpses are confirmed today so I'm delighted to be back to my original 2003 target weight (particularly with a slower than usual transit!! TMI?)

So I'm into two pairs of size 42 jeans I've never had on before ;) one has sparkly things on each cheek! I had a comment yesterday from a work friend I ate lunch with that my top half was looking overly "thin" - hmm... ok my clavicle (thanks Emma) is very prominent now (and even my ribs!) but nothing I can do about the fact that all the meat has headed south!

I can't believe I'll be meeting Mouse again... and the chicks... and Tan... very very exciting! Mouse and I weighed a heck of a lot more at our last meet so it'll be particularly interesting to see her, since she can't tell any difference in herself since losing!
Brilliant on the weigh in!!!
And a week to build a little holiday buffer.

Despite the wobbles and events conspiring you've had an excellent run this year.
well done hun xxxxx
Hey well done on the loss - no wonder your cholesterol was high...
Have a good weekend - when are you catching the Ferry - this week or next?

Eggs - I think today I'm going to manage on 1/2 an egg (in a custard). So conso should help in that respect too!
Excellent to read, Jo. A much better ending to an awful week for you and hopefully (now on conso) your cholesterol probs will be resolved.