IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)


I like your football story. Don't follow it but I used to live in Southampton for 5 years (or was it more?)

I do like you walking accounts. Do you have an MP3 player or something? I find my mind wanders and I need to carry a notepad because that's when I have my best ideas :)
I have considered walking to work for a change, I could just about do it time-wise, but it removes a bit of potential flexibility for those occasions when I need to collect DD1 unexpectedly from nursery, she can't walk that far yet. I walked last winter when it was too icy. And of course I walk when my bike's in for repair etc...

Ah yes chutney! I have just finished off my pile, ready to hand some to my parents who are passing through at the weekend so they can deliver them to everyone on the other side of the channel! I made:
Spiced Beetroot & Orange chutney
Roast Garlic & Apple chutney
Pumpkin and Lemon jam
Fiery Tomato Jam with Chilli

All stacked up and ready to go. I think for colleagues (I want to give out some thank-you's) I'll bake up a mixed batch of cookies nearer the time!

Your beetroot glut - do you know about 'Borscht' (sp?) Russian beetroot soup / stew. I LOVE it! Is that what you made? But I like any type of beetroot.

Your gardening sound nice! Ours veg beds are empty now - what can you grow in the winter, I'm a novice?
Gosh I didn't know that ref Southampton! As I think I told you, my parents both hail from Cambs.

I have one of those small Ipod Shuffles. (I had been thinking of upgrading to a more sophisticated one but, frankly, don't have the eyesight to see the tiny screen without my glasses so futile "choosing" music as I walk!!). I used to have a block of post its and a pen in my pocket to note things down!!

Beetroot chutney... hmm... that sounds interesting. If you get a chance to copy the recipe down, that would be good. We still have quite a few in the field but we don't actually have land ourselves to plant on so no winter crops for us alas... our neighbours are kind, but they're farmers, and dying to get onto that field with their BIG machines!

I made "Hot and Spicey Beetroot soup", but found it rather "sharp" to the taste so I made the second batch with less vinegar and far preferred it.

When I first started walking, I had to advance my alarm by half an hour (but of course I don't have DDs to sort out in the morning - just litter trays, and little eager mouths which make LOTS of noise if not fed!).

I do enjoy it and I also think it helps me manage stress better (as well as - dare I say it - help with the eating stuff...)

Awww thats a lovely email Jo. xx
Just a quick one - the beetroot chutney recipe:
Spiced beetroot & orange chutney recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food

I did it from the paper magazine version, and crushed the coriander seeds a bit before adding, and not sure I used as much cinnamon & cloves!

We had it last year as well and it's delicious with all kinds of meat and barbecues.
Anja- Thanks a lot for that recipe. I like the look of that and we'll have a go this weekend. I do so hate waste and we've so much beetroot still... Interesting to see that it has 700ml red wine vinegar in it, the very quantity which made my beetroot soup (I thought) rather acidic... Still, in chutney, could be very different - particularly with sugar...

Jet - wasn't it nice! Not sure if I was clear that it's probably something they did because it was All Souls Day, and Southampton's owner died this year, but it was very poignant I hear for my sister... (and we all know how terrible football crowds are at respecting 2 mins' silence normally... shocking!)

Anyway, I saw my GP yesterday and he was pleased I've kept up the walking BUT he says I need to do some stretching also to help the arthrosis - 10 mins a day - doesn't sound a lot but... hmm... he gave me one of his typed sheets. I'll have a read... Anyone do any?

I told him I'd weighed between 72 and 76K since we last saw each other (not untrue, just that I didn't weigh when definitely higher immediately post September holiday!). He thought that was fine for my height and past. I was quite surprised actually.

Blood pressure 105 - 65. But it doesn't adversely affect me.

So "keep taking the pills" and keep walking... but start stretching exercises too...
so medically you are fit but need to stretch my love? I only stretch in bed in the morning - nothing like a good stretch ;) (just had to do one)
Is it like yawning then? Something you pass on unwittingly?!

I know there are classes for stretching, and it's true that my body does "creak" these days... haaaa!
Pilates or yoga is great for it. really creaky lol?
oh blast... for the first time in my life, I've found something I don't mind doing - walking... and now he wants me to do something else... (and what you're suggesting sounds worse still!).

Yeah arthrosis is a problem, but once I'm walking, it's better... but I do creak a lot if not warmed up!! I guess carrying an extra 70K for years takes its toll on joints and cartilages.

Sorry about the WI... any particular reason you can think of? Or have you reached *that weight* where it all gets more difficult for you?
Jo ben and jerrys ice cream a whole tub on sat night - so not bad considering - never even came out of ketosis! but if you look in my diary my muscle gone up to 34 - water is 51.8 (its never that high) and fat down to 28. something. so somethings working/getting toned up.

Yoga is fab honestly and pilates well stomach will be like steel!
aaah righteo - if other numbers are playing nice, that's all well and good then...

(although I can't understand how a tub of b&j's didn't bring you out of ketosis...!)
me neither i was shocked.com. what have you got planned for the weekend?
This weekend is only a 2 day one... (remember last one was 3 :D... next is 4.5 :eek:!!) so it'll be business as usual...

Saturday, we go to the market 10 miles away and still get to the hypermarket at opening time 8.30am! Then back to the village, to the Farm to pick up eggs, off to the tip to "lose" an old computer we've been hanging onto "in case"...

Over to the field (if raining, I'll be there in spirit... but will send the man!) for beetroot, carrots, leeks and errr I think that's all that's left. Back to prepare all.

Make some cauli cheese for us both for lunch - my latest craving (probably your fault cos I'm buying grated cheese now every weekend and telling myself "Atkins allows it!"...). To Dukanise it a little, I do it in individual dishes, and pop some chicken in the bottom of the dishes.

Then sleep... obligatory hour after lunch.

Up and stagger around mindlessly for a while, then out to see neighbours... get my 1/2 hour walk in then too.

Home for soup... (pm snack).

Dinner... TV... sleep...

Sunday - I'll make muffins for a few days, prepare lunches for work, oh and have a go at Anja's beetroot chutney. We leave at about 7.30pm to travel back... sniffle...

But just 2.5 days to work next week (YIPPEEEEE...)
Yum cauli cheese. Jo i want to come to your country getaway :) bet you feel like you have a little holiday every weekend.
Big fan of YOGA over here in Oz. LOOOOOve it and wish I had time to do it everyday....

cheeessseeee ;) arent i mean lol
Ref holiday every weekend - I usually feel that I work harder at the weekend than during the week... but things are picking up here somewhat. Same for you Jacq? We're in similar businesses I think!
Sounds like a good plan, your weekend Jo!

RE: Beetroot: I cooked some, unpeeled (pressure cooker), and then bunged them in the freezer too. They come out a bit softer, but perfectly edible, esp for salads and so on. The other thing we make is juice: only one beetroot and several apples, maybe a carrot in there. VERY GOOD FOR YOU ;) but still quite a strong taste (add more apples...). And colour effects in the bathroom later :D