IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

And Pauline!! :)
But there's no comparison between fresh ripe luscious figs au naturel (with dollop of greek yoghurt) with those weird sweet things from the 70's tuck box called fig rolls! Definitely the former have it as far as I'm concerned.Oops I guess that explains a lot....!
I'm not a fig fan myself, but adore dates! yum!
I had a bad weekend, I'm afraid, and only have myself to blame!
Saturday, I accompanied a girlfriend to an arts and crafts fayre and we had a lovely time (and I even bought a couple of little Christmas presents!). Afternoon tea and cake really wasn't necessary, but it was so very nice and felt so NORMAL! We did comment and giggle though at the fact that there wasn't a single man in the tea room area! Just ladies daintily tucking into delicious cakes! I then considered the rest of the weekend to be fair game and don't think I ate anything remotely healthy from that point on. DUH me!
And so, predictably, back to tight trousers today! and cooler weather on its way from Thursday, I hear, so boo to my unforgiving winter wardrobe!
Hope you're all doing better than me
Oh Jo, how are we going to find our motivation from the past? What's your plan for this week? Jx
Tight trousers from one weekend, or a bit of a general slide, Jo? Hmm... It's funny how things come and go in waves: everyone was jumping back on the dukan wagon a few weeks ago and now the discipline and motivation are dwindling faster than you can say 'chicken' :)

Right then, lbd/exercise challenge, here we come!!
I'm a great Monday to Friday (when at work) dieter... I've said it before. I need to work every day then I'd not have the slightest problem. Actually, a seven day week might even help with the backlog I have at the moment!

Not really a general slide, as I knuckle straight back to business as soon as I wake up on Monday morning, just a pathetic inability to stop stuffing myself once I start. I could blame it on the weather (which doesn't bode well for this weekend to come as the forecast is even worse than last), but sitting indoors by the fire, while it pours down outside, while very pleasant, just isn't good for my head! If I get out and do my walk, I'm far less likely to come back and eat until I'm full to my toes!

Worst still - OH decided to have his first ever bash at pastry making the weekend before last and, guess what, he makes fabulous pastry! aaaaah! Last weekend, it was a cheese and onion pie (I had a sliver as I'm not a cheese person... (thinking of someone who is though right now!!!!)). This weekend, he's threatening to try his hand at a meat pie. (I probably overdid the compliments too, wanting to encourage him to take on the cheese straws baking duty over Christmas!)
Not a cheese person?!? Honestly Jo, France is wasted on you!! I couldn't live there for precisely that reason. And the bread. And viennoiserie... And wine. Wait, you don't like wine either right? **shakes head in disbelief** How are you feeling though Jo? I mean, are you happy enough with going Dukanesque during the week and having party weekends? Or do you still feel the need to reign things in? Jx
ah but I've not been Dukanning for months (actually hardly at all this year). I throw in the odd PP Monday but I have fruit each day but the PP day. I tend to keep away from bread, pasta etc, as that's how I lost my weight in the first place - long before I heard of Dukan - but attempting moderation at weekends is challenging (to say the least) at the moment. Not having a "full" button doesn't help!

Today we have lost 6°C apparently from yesterday so I've dug out a warmer jacket to walk to work in. I don't mind cold at all but the wind and rain accompanying this cold spell don't sound fun at all!
Well what you describe sounds pretty dukanesque to me! This full button is a funny one for sure. Am trying to eat slowly, chew properly and listen to my body...but half the time I realise I'm just wolfing it down without thinking or feeling hungry/full/whatever. Ugh.

Same here with weather - was bate legs and sandals yesterday but today I'm freezing in tights and autumn coat. Grrr!

I'm sticking to trousers until the foreseeable future! I really can't abide tights (once had an embarrassing experience involving my 18 year old self, a boil, and a group of medical students!) and don't get on with stockings! Colder it might have been yesterday, with a cruel wind when I was crossing the very open Esplanade des Invalides on foot yesterday, it was lovely to see blue skies and the sun (sporadically) again.

Weigh in 300G down so I really am living on borrowed ... err calories?

My beloved plums are no longer delicious, so I have turned my affections to kaki fruit. Delicious at the moment!

Happy weekends to all. (Cheeseless, breadless and wineless where I'm concerned!) ;)
What on earth happened Jo? Can't believe you never wear tights as a result!!

Yeah, plums aren't as good here either any more, now I'm all about the apples which are even more amazing than usual this year. Do love a kaki/Sharon fruit too, mmm.

Well done on the loss - are you feeling like you're getting there?

AAAAhhhhh so that's a kaki fruit, I did wonder xxx
Any weekend which doesn't end up in a full binge is progress, I tell myself! I did have some little bits of this and that over the weekend but never a full portion which seemed to work as it satisfied my need to taste things, but didn't lead to guilt which then usually ends in my losing the plot!

OK - I was about 18, and had a painful lump "down there" and was living in London. Too embarrassed to go to my doctor, I headed to a VD clinic! Where I was told to get on the table, knees apart (you know the deal), and wait behind the curtains... I'm now imagining a whole line of tables, curtained off, ladies lying knees apart, when suddenly my curtains opened... at my feet... and there were perhaps 10 heads peeking round to have a look! It was awful. It was but a boil... but I then went on in life to have a series of them and so was advised to stay away from tights as I've a tendency to get them! Now I just have to see a pair of them, and I immediately see all those eyes peering round the curtains at my feet! aaaaahhh!

Kaki are Sharon fruit back home? Ahh! Pricey though aren't they!

Off for my walk to work now... still blushing at the memory
Oh Jo, that's horrendous, no wonder you have a fear! Ugh, I've been for a few smear tests when they've asked if a student can do it. I always say yes cos I figure they have to learn somehow but it's always a young guy who is super embarrassed and fumbles about for ages. So am cringing with you!!

Think Kaki and Sharon fruits are maybe slightly different but same family. Can be expensive but in season there's usually a stall selling 4 for a paaaahnd down the market

And Jo, don't underestimate your weekend achievement - excellent work, that's what you're aiming for after all right? Not cutting things out but avoiding binges? So pat yourself on the back and keep the focus!

Cringing for you Jo!!

Well done on flexing that resistance muscle - I often think it's harder to allow yourself things in moderation than to allow them at all!
The mind is a strange thing. On the whole, I'd agree 100% that for me moderation is a very difficult thing to manage. However, at the moment, I'm surprising myself. I won't go on overly though as that's a sure way of falling flat on my face this weekend (in a bucket of food!). I've had a stressful week at work, and saw the other side of my new boss for the first time. I can see I'll have to grow myself a thicker skin so that it doesn't upset me in the future! Still, I survived and heard some compliments he's passed on to someone else about me, so perhaps this will be third time lucky for him (I'm his third assistant in less than two years!). It's good having something else than food to think about as I used to have a very cushy role which left me far too much time for food thoughts!

The plan this weekend is as last: taste things. But no proper portions. Saturday I've invited myself to a neighbour's to learn how she makes a certain cake she regularly gives my husband slabs of when he's there alone and I'm here! very sweet of her! I hear it involves yoghurt, flour and oil... hmm. It certainly tastes better than it sounds. The weather should be fine enough for some walking in the country which is always a good thing for me as I'm far less likely to scrabble around in other people's dustbins after a decent walk (ahem! nope never done that yet but there's always a first time!).

Happy weekend to all x (I won't mention my weigh in, which could be stress related! bring it on!!)
I'm blushing for Jo and joodle both!!

Hm, kaki fruit. Is that persimmons? They're called 'cacchi' in Italian which has the same pronunciation, but I've never heard them called that in English. Delicious, though! My friend used to pop them in the freezer and then scoop out the insides like ice cream :)
I just googled it and kaki / Sharon / persimmon are the names for it. Delicious when you find the non-astringent type. Unfortunately the nasty furry tasting astringent ones have the same name and look but are usually much cheaper (that's been my experience at least. if ever they're cheap, stay away! nasty things then!!).

Hope everyone had a good weekend
Gosh it's a week since I checked in here. I don't know where the time goes! Obviously, as any absence usually reveals, I had one of my stupid eating weekends last weekend. The weather sucked. I settled by the fire with endless episodes of Real Housewives (haa!) and ate... hiding all wrappers of course! DUH!
Back to work and reality on Monday, all clicked into place again, and a normal eating week has followed BUT it's a short one, as tomorrow is a holiday here, so today's weigh in shows a gain... ho hum!
No excuses.
Running late. Have a leaking radiator and have to devote time to it in the mornings! 48 hours to drain it apparently, drip drip drip, so hope it finishes its drain soon!
Have a good weekend all... more rain forecast here yikes
Weekends are so hard aren't they! At least you are brave enough to keep an eye on the scales - recently I've just binged then avoided the scales then binged again then avoided the scales; I've 30lbs to lose now!! Enjoy your weekend x