If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

You'll be fine love-you've done so well, bet you'll be in the 8's :) x

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I hope so! Will be updating as soon as I can! X
It doesn't worry me at all to ask for alternatives, sometimes people tut behind you in the queue but I just think to myself that I'm paying to be there so you can wait your turn lol. X I think home scales are notorious for being inaccurate, I weighed something which was 5lb on mine (which were salter so not exactly cheap!) and it weighed as three different weights! As you say 50p a week is cheaper than a fiver and at least their scales are checked so they should be quite accurate! X

It all tasted so yummy lol, I just have to remember to take the pic before I scoff it! I'm really hoping for a good result at WI, I've worked super hard this week and if I can get down into the 8s I would be ecstatic! X

I know! I couldn't believe it when I was so close to sending it and then pressed delete, what an idiot! Thanks for the good luck wishes, fingers crossed eh! X

i weighed myself in bathroom n weighed 2st under, hall, 5 lb over and kitchen a stone over!!!!! so at least if i go back to same place each week i know how much iv actually lost instead of inaccurate weigh ins!!
i weighed myself in bathroom n weighed 2st under, hall, 5 lb over and kitchen a stone over!!!!! so at least if i go back to same place each week i know how much iv actually lost instead of inaccurate weigh ins!!

Lol that's just crazy isn't it! X
A lot going on and no time to reply to it all.

So in a nutshell.
Well done girls for having a good day.
Well done to those who are joining the challenge.
Good luck Serena for weigh in tomorrow, I know you'll do brilliantly.

Over & out!
=D haha
A lot going on and no time to reply to it all.

So in a nutshell.
Well done girls for having a good day.
Well done to those who are joining the challenge.
Good luck Serena for weigh in tomorrow, I know you'll do brilliantly.

Over & out!
=D haha

I love that, not your usual essay but very much to the point! I will be reporting back in the morning! X
Make sure you run walk home il be dying to no how u get on haha. Sooo excited for u.x

Ha ha ha, well I will definitely update before 1030 as I'm having my hair done at 11 so will need to leave soon after 1030, u have a max of 3.5hours to wait lol. X

Good luck for today hunny. How are u feeling.x

Morning Sweetie, how u feeling about Day 2 of Vintage? I'm really bricking it already, I know I've done everything I can possibly do both food and exercise wise so I'm just hoping that the scales reflect it! X
Ha ha ha, well I will definitely update before 1030 as I'm having my hair done at 11 so will need to leave soon after 1030, u have a max of 3.5hours to wait lol. X

Morning Sweetie, how u feeling about Day 2 of Vintage? I'm really bricking it already, I know I've done everything I can possibly do both food and exercise wise so I'm just hoping that the scales reflect it! X

should do!!! good luck hun xxx
Good luck!
You'll do brilliantly.

But 1030 isn't early enough.
I'll be at work then so I won't get to find out til lunchtime =(

Hope you all have a good day
Good luck for. Weight in today xx
Ha ha ha, well I will definitely update before 1030 as I'm having my hair done at 11 so will need to leave soon after 1030, u have a max of 3.5hours to wait lol. X

Morning Sweetie, how u feeling about Day 2 of Vintage? I'm really bricking it already, I know I've done everything I can possibly do both food and exercise wise so I'm just hoping that the scales reflect it! X

Youve worked realy hard hun and im sure the scales are going to be kind. 10.30!!! Im used to waking up to your wi haha. You will be just fine and dandy:D
should do!!! good luck hun xxx

Fingers crossed eh! X

Good luck!
You'll do brilliantly.

But 1030 isn't early enough.
I'll be at work then so I won't get to find out til lunchtime =(

Hope you all have a good day

You'll never be so keen to go on your lunch ;-) x

QUOTE="loustarz;6448021"]Good luck for. Weight in today xx[/QUOTE]

Thank You Sweetie. X

Youve worked realy hard hun and im sure the scales are going to be kind. 10.30!!! Im used to waking up to your wi haha. You will be just fine and dandy:D

Sorry Sweetie but now I have to go into town it's delayed things somewhat!x

Just a quick update, I'm just leaving home now to take Poppy to school and then going to walk into town, having major IBS Problems though so I think I'm going to gain :-( am gutted.com feel so pissed off at my stupid tummy :-(
Good Morning Sweeties, Well I walked Poppy to School and then walked into town to get weighed and I have to say I'm gutted.com I only lost 0.5lb again this week :-( I know a loss is a loss but I honestly worked so so hard this week it doesn't seem fair :-( I walked to and from Poppy's school 8 times and into town and back twice, stuck to my 26pp Dailies, didn't touch my Weeklies and did so much walking around Legoland my feet actually hurt! It means I'm still not in the 8s which I was really hoping for today but Hey Ho, need to pick myself from this downer as I'm feeling really sorry for myself right now! X
Aww hun im sory your gutted and u did deserve more. Can i just make a suggestion tho. Maybe try eating a few weeklies maybe a few a day or have a treat day u and poppy. I no it sounds crazy hun but sumtimes when u eat abit more u loose better. You have also started walking and dont touch your activity points. I realy think u should c how u get on doing that this week. Well dun tho hun you did loose just not what u deserved.x
Aww hun im sory your gutted and u did deserve more. Can i just make a suggestion tho. Maybe try eating a few weeklies maybe a few a day or have a treat day u and poppy. I no it sounds crazy hun but sumtimes when u eat abit more u loose better. You have also started walking and dont touch your activity points. I realy think u should c how u get on doing that this week. Well dun tho hun you did loose just not what u deserved.x

Thank You Sweete, I probably sounded like an ungrateful cow in my update but just feel gutted, if that's the right word? I'm not sure about the Weeklies this week as don't think I have any cause to use them but after next Fridays WI I have a trip to London and a funeral buffet to contend with so will definitely need them then! PS-Thank you for the support Sweetie, only sorry I let the team down. X