If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

A loss is a loss however I reckon you should eat your weeklies, in fact I'm sure you should eat your weeklies you've done plenty of exercise this week therefore you'll need to fuel your body a bit more. Give it a go!!!!!!

Consider yourself told:)

Oh and make sure you're drinking plenty too:):)
A loss is a loss however I reckon you should eat your weeklies, in fact I'm sure you should eat your weeklies you've done plenty of exercise this week therefore you'll need to fuel your body a bit more. Give it a go!!!!!!

Consider yourself told:)

Oh and make sure you're drinking plenty too:):)

Drinking I already do as I'm always thirsty, so it must be the Weeklies I need to use! What should I use them on though...I don't want to just eat them for the sake of it! X
Thank You Sweete, I probably sounded like an ungrateful cow in my update but just feel gutted, if that's the right word? I'm not sure about the Weeklies this week as don't think I have any cause to use them but after next Fridays WI I have a trip to London and a funeral buffet to contend with so will definitely need them then! PS-Thank you for the support Sweetie, only sorry I let the team down. X

Serena hun u have not let the team down dont even say that. You should b proud of yourself. now i dont want to hear anymore talk like that. You havent gained or sts u lost. Not as much as you wanted but u still lost. I realy think the weeklies r a gud idea tho hun but you do whats right for you.x
Serena hun u have not let the team down dont even say that. You should b proud of yourself. now i dont want to hear anymore talk like that. You havent gained or sts u lost. Not as much as you wanted but u still lost. I realy think the weeklies r a gud idea tho hun but you do whats right for you.x

Thank You Sweetie, I don't want to lose my place as a (Will)PowerPuff Girl ;-) x
Never will that happen. I Need you and emma your like the boss mummys of the will power puff girlies.x:D:D:D
Never will that happen. I Need you and emma your like the boss mummys of the will power puff girlies.x:D:D:D

Ha ha ha, I like the idea of being the boss! X
Well done serena :) ur pp inc weeklies are worked out for you as a minimum to fuel ur body and keep it going while still losing weight, if you are walking/excercising too then ur body is using more fuel and you are not putting enough fuel back in by not using ur weeklies, so ur body is thinking well if she wont put fuel in i need to hang onto some fat to keep me going as i dont know when ill get enough fuel again to keep going/walking. Weeklies have been calculated in to use , you dont have to use them on crap, have a handful of nuts ( ooh err mrs) or something similar x hope that makes it cleater for you
Well done serena :) ur pp inc weeklies are worked out for you as a minimum to fuel ur body and keep it going while still losing weight, if you are walking/excercising too then ur body is using more fuel and you are not putting enough fuel back in by not using ur weeklies, so ur body is thinking well if she wont put fuel in i need to hang onto some fat to keep me going as i dont know when ill get enough fuel again to keep going/walking. Weeklies have been calculated in to use , you dont have to use them on crap, have a handful of nuts ( ooh err mrs) or something similar x hope that makes it cleater for you

Thank You Sweetie, You also talk lots of sense in your message! From here on in I'm starting Week 4 and I WILL BE using my Weeklies! Randomly I fancy some Wine, Avocado and Chippy Chips so I might use my 49 Weeklies on a combination of the 3, maybe not all together tho, yuck! X
Congrats on your loss, I know it doesn't feel like much but it's a step in the right direction and it all adds up!

I agree with the others, try eating your weeklies and see how you get on. Youv'e been upping your exercise so your body was probably trying to hang onto more fat!
Good Morning Sweeties, Well I walked Poppy to School and then walked into town to get weighed and I have to say I'm gutted.com I only lost 0.5lb again this week :-( I know a loss is a loss but I honestly worked so so hard this week it doesn't seem fair :-( I walked to and from Poppy's school 8 times and into town and back twice, stuck to my 26pp Dailies, didn't touch my Weeklies and did so much walking around Legoland my feet actually hurt! It means I'm still not in the 8s which I was really hoping for today but Hey Ho, need to pick myself from this downer as I'm feeling really sorry for myself right now! X
Aww babe, sometimes we have slow weeks. I have had sts weeks 3 in a row and then lost 3 pounds or 4 not sure about the conversionrate. Maybe you could touch some of your weeklies when you walk a lot? Dont know if it helps. Keep it up hon xxx
Congrats on your loss, I know it doesn't feel like much but it's a step in the right direction and it all adds up!

I agree with the others, try eating your weeklies and see how you get on. Youv'e been upping your exercise so your body was probably trying to hang onto more fat!

Thank You Sweetie, I'm definitely going to be using those Weeklies! X PS-Somebody said on here that a dripping tap still fills a bucket, it just takes a bit longer! X

Aww babe, sometimes we have slow weeks. I have had sts weeks 3 in a row and then lost 3 pounds or 4 not sure about the conversionrate. Maybe you could touch some of your weeklies when you walk a lot? Dont know if it helps. Keep it up hon xxx

I'm gonna try those Weeklies and fingers crossed I will have a better loss next week, I can almost taste the 8s! X
Good Afternoon Sweeties :) I'm back and feeling a bit more positive than a few hours ago :)

As most of you probably know, I started this Plan 3 Weeks Ago with the goal of getting into a dress for a wedding on Saturday 29th June! The wedding is now 3 Weeks away (meaning I'm half way there!) and so today I have been for my Hair Practice! It was lovely to see all the girls in the Salon and it really cheered me up to have my hair done.

Anyways, I've taken a couple of pics but they aren't brilliant as I took them myself, it's basically a French plait on one side and GHD curls on the other...



Hope you all have a fab afternoon Sweeties, I'm off to Physio and then to Stay and Play at Poppy's School. X
You have such lovely hair! Mine is in the really awkward stage of growing out at the moment. I used to have it really short and spiky and now it's just about long enough to touch my neck and tuck behind my ears!
Well done on your loss, and your hair is gorg !!!!

Like the others say weeklies are there to be used and are part of your allowance and needed.. dont be hard on yourself hun you are doing brilliantly x
You have such lovely hair! Mine is in the really awkward stage of growing out at the moment. I used to have it really short and spiky and now it's just about long enough to touch my neck and tuck behind my ears!

Awwww thank Sweetie,I used to have a Graduated Bob so it's taken a long long time to get to this Stage! X

Well done on your loss, and your hair is gorg !!!!

Like the others say weeklies are there to be used and are part of your allowance and needed.. dont be hard on yourself hun you are doing brilliantly x

Thank You times 2! I'm definitely going to use the Weeklies this week! X
Yay for using your weeklies hun im positive thats goin to help and some other people have explained it realy well. Your hair looks lovely hun. Im so glad youve cheered up. Dont get down hun you wil get there.x
Yay for using your weeklies hun im positive thats goin to help and some other people have explained it realy well. Your hair looks lovely hun. Im so glad youve cheered up. Dont get down hun you wil get there.x

Thank You Sweetie, I just realised that a loss is a loss and the dripping tap will fill the bucket eventually ;-) Plus if I look at it this way, I've lost 4 of 21lbs, yes I might still have 17lbs to go but I've also lost 19% of my total! X
Good Morning Sweeties, Well I walked Poppy to School and then walked into town to get weighed and I have to say I'm gutted.com I only lost 0.5lb again this week :-( I know a loss is a loss but I honestly worked so so hard this week it doesn't seem fair :-( I walked to and from Poppy's school 8 times and into town and back twice, stuck to my 26pp Dailies, didn't touch my Weeklies and did so much walking around Legoland my feet actually hurt! It means I'm still not in the 8s which I was really hoping for today but Hey Ho, need to pick myself from this downer as I'm feeling really sorry for myself right now! X

any loss is still a loss! well done uv worked so hard this week i know it doesnt seem fair but like people said some weeks are just really slow and other weeks u cud lose 3! x
Good Evening Sweeties :) I went for my Physio and Stay and Play, it meant I didn't walk to the School this afternoon but Poppy wanted to go to the Park after school so I seized the opportunity and we walked to the Park and back, stopping at a very important place on the way home....after 3 Weeks on Plan I seized the moment and had Chippy Chips and I bought Harry Ramsden's Mushy Peas from the Coop! I allowed myself 210g of Chips (14pp), 114g of Mushy Peas (2pp) and a couple of Pickled Onions (0pp) OMG it tasted so damn good!


I've also made a decision about tomorrow night, it's the BGT Final and I've decided I will be watching it with a Small Veggie Dominos Pizza (24pp for all 6 Slices) and a few glasses of wine, not worked out which one yet so I don't know the PP! Bring on those Weeklies! X
any loss is still a loss! well done uv worked so hard this week i know it doesnt seem fair but like people said some weeks are just really slow and other weeks u cud lose 3! x

I hope that's next week for me ;-) x