If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

OMG those are just wrong and don't even get me started on Sweet n Sour! X
Pahaha, my hubby loves that ... I use to when I was meat eater ;) .. It is a bit weird but if it's heated the same as the other food, it's nice xx
Banana in curry just sounds so wrong, I never used to be a fan of curry until the last few years... wish I didn't like it!
Lol my dad always has a banana in his curry

Sweet and savoury together is amazing!!!

No, No it's not! X

Consider it done!! :)

Right I'm off to cook my dear... spk tomorrow morning.. D-day!!!! :) xxxxxxx

Enjoy your last supper, tomorrow the hard work begins! X

Pahaha, my hubby loves that ... I use to when I was meat eater ;) .. It is a bit weird but if it's heated the same as the other food, it's nice xx

You lot are a bunch of weirdos lol x

Banana in curry just sounds so wrong, I never used to be a fan of curry until the last few years... wish I didn't like it!

At last someone on my side! X
I agree banana in curry sounds disgusting! X
Lol my dad always has a banana in his curry

Sweet and savoury together is amazing!!!

Glad im not only one who likes it :)
These recipes were also in leaflets from group.

These recipes were also in leaflets from group.

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Ooooo some nice recipes there. Good to see veggie too! X Thanks Sweetie :) x
Yup gonna have my own Nando's Fakeaway as soon as I can get to Asda for the Piri Piri! Can't wait!

I too cannot stand the thought of banana in a curry! It took me a while to get used to eating banana bread!
I picked out the veggie ones just for you!! Xx

You're so thoughtful! X

Yup gonna have my own Nando's Fakeaway as soon as I can get to Asda for the Piri Piri! Can't wait!

I too cannot stand the thought of banana in a curry! It took me a while to get used to eating banana bread!

Tesco do a Marinade for £1.99 and a Rub for £1, all the same flavour :) I think of Banana Bread as Cake Cos I wouldn't put butter on it.x
Banana In curry Sounds yum. :D :D

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Banana In curry Sounds yum. :D :D

Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins.com mobile app

Brona! I thought u was my BFF! X
serena I just cannot keep up! haha how has your day been? x
I like most fruit with savoury (sorry Serena) but cannot stand banana in cooked things - curry, (OH puts it in his on the plate), banana bread (yuck - spoiling a good cake I think!) I do like a banana cooked in its skin and then drizzled with syrup or choc sauce though!
The debate continues...Sarah, today has been mainly about baking and resurrecting the Sweet vs Savoury Debate!!! X
Seriously don't know what's wrong me tonight, have had my dinner and pud and I'm absolutely starving :-( Really don't want to use more Weeklies :-( x