If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Snap I'm hungry too, must be the weather :) isn't that what everyone always says lol x

I NEED to save my Weeklies,must not eat, must not eat!!! X
Paint your nails or maybe go through your wardrobe and get rid of all your larger clothes x

Maybe a Bubbly Bath? Would that work as the Kitchen is Downstairs and the Bathroom is Upstairs lol x
Yes as long as you don't bring the food upstairs with you :) oh I would love a bubble bath now, we only have a shower.

We are the opposite, Don't have a shower lol x
These are the things he is good for....now if you had asked me what he is great for that's a totally different email lol xxx

Ha ha ha! X
now im singing Xmas songs hahaha. I could so have a bath im freezing! This room is an ice box. prisoners would have better heating x
now im singing Xmas songs hahaha. I could so have a bath im freezing! This room is an ice box. prisoners would have better heating x

I'm refusing to put my heating on!!! X