If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

About the woman with 3 husbands and a boyfriend for Sundays ;-) x

Oh my is that in this weeks?! I normally grab it on a Saturday so will have a look tomorrow!
Do u enter the competitions? Xx
I love those stories in those magazines! Like I found out my 6yr daughter is really an Alsatian and is now living in a kennel in the garden lol x

I was actually getting excited about this weeks mag then lol
I was actually getting excited about this weeks mag then lol

Lol! Maybe I missed my vocation ;-) Should of been a headline writer! X
I love those stories in those magazines! Like I found out my 6yr daughter is really an Alsatian and is now living in a kennel in the garden lol x

This actually made me snort with laughter! :D xx
I love how I entertain as well as inform :) x
Don't magazines and newspaper exaggerate my bros gf gave birth on toilet and the mail said cricket fan dives 5ft to stop baby falling down the toilet and he isn't even a cricket fan xx
Don't magazines and newspaper exaggerate my bros gf gave birth on toilet and the mail said cricket fan dives 5ft to stop baby falling down the toilet and he isn't even a cricket fan xx

Ha ha ha! That's legendary Lol! Do they pay to print the story? X
I dunno as it was online but in local papers but they didn't want the money as they were promoting the 111 service who talked them through it she didn't know she was preggers imagine going to the loo and the baby was coming out lol x