I'm leaving... :(

Hey Belfastminime... yeah, it DOES get better... I can't talk for LLL specifically yet (only started today), but I've been on full LL since end Aug 08 and the crappy feeling does definitely dissipate. Hang in there!! The Lighter Life Lite subforum is SO SO quiet... let's head over there and you can give me some hints and tips about good recipes etc. :) I am so clueless!! xx
Hi Anna

Sorry to jump in so late on this one, what said sounds good and you know what you want, why struggle with something if you know you wont stick to it when you can do LLL and get the results you want.

Its all about your happiness and what makes you happy is important. So go for it and i'm sure you will be on RTM in no time :)

Don't beat yourself up about it, not worth it, besides you deprive me the pleasure of doing it for you :D