I'm looking forward to .....

im looking forward to feeling attractive and confident. To going on a night out and not feeling like crap as soon as I start seeing others and how they always look so much better.
Im looking forward to not always wearing black!
Im looking forward to wearing t-shirts and not having a caridgan or jacket to hide my fatty back and belly.
Im looking forward to having pictures taken and not recoiling in disgust!
Im looking forward to not always worrying about the double chin in photos (though does that worry ever go??"!!!!!! hahaha)
Im looking forward to allowing love in my life.

GOD! That's a bloody lot im looking forward to...its a shame that all of it depends on my weight, eh?
........... to buying boots! :D

Went to Marks and Sparks last night and checked out the sale in Debenhams .... so many shoes and clothes I wanna buy, but I've decided not to buy a single thing until I drop another stone. I tried on some lovely boots in M&S, but for the usual reasons they didn't fit. My calves are too big.

A question for those who've already undertaken the journey, does ones calves shrink too? I'd like to buy boots from places that aren't Evans!
I'm looking forward to being able to wear skirts again - I don't know as my thighs rub too much and it's too painful.

I'm also looking forward to wearing the teeny tiny halterneck top that I've started to knit for myself in anticipation of being super slim next summer! - (I'd never have done that before.. last thing I knitted for myself I jigged the pattern to make it extra huge so it would fit even if I got bigger!!) :D
Good for you! You must let me know what it looks like ... I may ask you to knit me one!
:) I am looking forward to celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary next year, slimmer than I was on my wedding day! I am really hoping to have made the best of myself.

I am looking forward to being able to pull something out the wardrobe, shove it on be happy with it and walk out. Instead of trying on just about everything and choosing the best of a bad lot!

Sadly I suspect my wobbly belly isn't going to leave me thanks to the wonder of Motherhood! but I'm still looking forward to it being considerably smaller albeit still stripey lol! I am another one who squirms when OH touches my belly even though he isn't bothered I hate him touching it just now.

Although...... My hubby has been away for 6 weeks and will be back next week, I will have lost over a stone since he last saw me, I hope he can see it!

i love reading this thread...mind you read my entry which I posted a while back and am now so embarrassed about what I wrote! Do i really think that!!
I'm looking forward to men chatting to me rather than my chest! Of course the situation could get worse with weight loss.. i could lose weight everywhere but my chest and end up looking like jordan!!!! But fingers crossed my boobs will reduce!