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New Member

My first post! I'm starting LL shortly, and although I'm feeling confident, there is that little niggle in the back of my mind that wonders if I will be starving and if so will I just give up, without giving it a chance.

Is the first week the worst? Because you have to rethink your entire mindset about food.
Absolutely - the first week can be very tough. You may feel hungry and get headaches. However, after the first week ketosis will supress your hunger and the carb withdrawal headaches will be behind you. It gets a lot easier. I've been on it for over 6 months and I wouldn't have managed that if the experuence was horrid!
:DWell I am now in my 2nd week and the first week was ok, not really hungry at all and no headaches. ;)

I did drink LOTS of water, had all the packs and lost 12lbs. :D

I am now in week 2 and feel the best I have felt in weeks, happier, more energy and dont even think about food so happy days! :D

Good Luck on your journey I am sure you will do great. :D If you dont give it a try you will never know.
Well done for taking the step forward and starting LL soon=D!
In my experience i was so excited to start the diet that the first week wasn't too bad at all, i think making sure i tried a variety of the flavours helped because although i liked some more than others it meant i didn't get fed up after the first few days. Like the other two lovely people have mentioned just drink lots of water (a big glass will take away the hunger pangs) and yeah when you enter ketosis your wonderful body stops you feeling hungry=D!
Tell that confident part of you to stick up for itself and leave the little niggle behind, honestly when i was first reading about LL i didn't think i would be able to do it, but 1 month in and i'm happier, have more energy and still getting on great with the program.

Good Luck!xxxxxx
First of all welcome!

I totally agree with the advie given above.

I'm just nearing the end of my third week on LLT.

I didn't find week one so bad, I was lucky and missed out on the headaches but I am feeling the cold alot more (saying that is is freezing outside)

I've had a few bad days, mainly because after not standing on a set of scales for 5 years I started LL and became obsessed!

My main tip is stay off the scales! Only get weighed at your sessions. A loss is a loss at the end of the day, trust the programme and stick with it.

There are reasons you are about to start on LL. Remember them.

You will have good days and bad days, there will be times when you probably want to eat, just try to remember your food pack give you everything your body needs. When you are tempted to eat it's not because you are hungry, it's probably because you are addicted to food!

But most of all, please, please, please when you have those down days don't sit at home miserable and give into temptation. Come and talk about how you are feeling. We are all in the same boat and we will help all we can.

Good Luck!
thank you all so much. I have started today, its been not to bad, I am staying positive and drinking soooo much water which I am just not used to drinking.
Woohoo! :D

You are on the road to a great weight loss!

Cant wait to her your first weeks details. ;)
Hope you're first week has gone well.
I'm on week 3 and just feeling so well and food isn't a problem, the occasional thought but just doing what my councillor said and just telling the thought to go away.
when do you have first weigh in?
Do let us know how it goes.