I'm quitting Smoking! :) Anyone else done this on CD?


WILL be Slim!
i used to smoke...about 7 years ago, and when i quit i would eat stupid amounts of food to compensate....

I started up again 5 months ago with stresses of my old job, and although i was going to wait until post-CD, i have now decided that this pack will be my last!

I have figured that Ketosis will stop the hunger side of things, so all i have to do (she says) is quash the cravings and the habitual smoking...

Has anyone else quit smoking whilst on CD?

I'm just at a point where i am 100% comfortable with the diet, so figured i need to change the otehr sh*tty things i do and this is the first to go!

Wish me luck....its about to get REAL grumpy! lol

Good luck!!! I have never smoked but have watched my poor dh try and try again to give up and can see how hard it can be and as you have taken food out of the equation you will be slimmer and healthier xxx
Best of luck with quitting Liz, it is hard work. But if you have the willpower for CD I'm sure you will have the willpower for stopping smoking.

Hugs x x x
Liz, i'll be doing the same after glastonbury. I only smoke rollies so they are like the wholemeal bread of cigs, but still, breaking the habit is very difficult, i'm dreading it.

i have made myself a promise that i'm not going to use my new handbag or any of my nice new clothes until i quit smoking as i don't want my new blazer or mulberry smelling of cigs! so it will be worth it. last time i quit with the gum only but i might go to the docs and see what i can get on the NHS to help with it.
You can do it and I think CD is going to help you.

You're doing CD to change your body shape, but primarily you're doing it to be healthy, and quitting smoking falls right into that overall goal.

Why not improve your insides at the same time your improving your outside.

If you're SSing, I think that will help you to control the snacking to replace the nicotine addiction, cos you're just not allowed to at the risk of being thrown out of ketosis. I think SS/SS+(but the 4 packs one, not 200cal meal option) will be the easiest steps for you to quit smoking on.