Im starving and craving take away!! Somebody help me!!!

Taff Lass

I really need somebody to talk me out of grabbing my phone and ordering a pizza. Im absolutely starving right now. I've eaten pretty much all my fruit here but its just not satisfying my appetite tonight. I dunno what's wrong with me. I know I will regret it once I've eaten it but Im just so darn hungry. I feel like just going to bed out of the way :cry:
I am guessing that 4 days ago it was dominoes two for tuesday? lol

I have days like that too!! They are packed full of addictive crap to make us want it all the time. When i am craving something, i ask myself "what would suffice but be much better for me" such as, when i am craving pizza....... cheese on toast with ketchup is sometimes the next best thing, still a bit naughty but WAY better than pizza. If i am craving crisps, i work out which are the best for me but most yummy (usually quavers), i usually have a packet of some really cheesey crisps like quavers when i am craving cheese too. If i want a massive plate of chips sometimes a piece of toast will do etc etc

Hope this helps! x