In ketosis but gaining weight


Full Member
Hello all - I would very much appreciate some advice.

I have been low carbing on a vague sort of 80/20 basis for literally years. Over recent months I have been very consistent with what I eat (apart from icecream one evening) and apart from that I have not eaten sugar or starches at all and most days my carbs are less that 20 grams. I am firmly in ketosis - and yes I know the ketostix can be unreliable, but I am consistently seeing strong purple there.

A few months back, I learned that I have polycystic ovaries. I have had lots of other symptoms over the years that are in line with PCOS (acne, problems with weight gain, irregular and light periods) but I've never had any investigations for this. I'm now past menopause. Over the last three years I've had a pain condition (damaged major nerve) that has meant I've been on various anticonvulsant or antidepressant meds, all of which seem to have weight gain listed as a side effect. I managed to keep my weight pretty much constant by low carbing. For the last six months I've been off all these meds - I've had some surgery that has helped, and I manage by avoiding things that trigger the pain.

I keep active, walking with our dog, and I also do some work with light weights, and I have a programme of stretches that I do regularly as well. I cannot manage more in the way of exercise because of the pain condition, but I intend to stay as strong, flexible, and fit as i can.

The problem is that despite my best efforts to lose weight, I am gaining.

I don't have pcos but I know a few people on here do and are battling with it. I'm sure your'll get some more helpfully replies than mine shortly!
Hi Southwestgirl,

Are you gaining inches as well as weight?

Hi Southwestgirl,

Are you gaining inches as well as weight?


I am, yes. The jeans are getting tighter.

I would really, really, really like to get to 12 stone 8lb, then I won't be technically obese any more. But mostly I want to stop gaining weight.
That's gutting, you must be really disheartened. I would have a chat with my GP if I were you, they may be able to suggest something that us novices can't see? Here's hoping anyway!
So sorry to hear about you being in pain, hun :(

The only thing I can suggest is starting back on induction and keeping it really simple - protein, eggs and green veg?
Sorry about the belated response, we have been off on the boat again. Must must must arrange net access whilst we are away.

Have gained another pound, it is all v mysterious and more than a bit frustrating. Am going to keep a daily food diary to show the GP. Think I may have to go back to Atkins induction, good thought LadyF. Will have to buy the book again.
If you want me to send you a pdf version of the book then pm me with your email address, saves money!

Two suggestions, try cutting down on processed food - my body really responded to that, or try intermittent fasting alongside your low carb) not as scary as it sounds and really boosts your weight loss! There's scientific evidence to say that we should reduce our meal frequency. You can try eatjng less every second day (have a look at the juddd board on this site) or have a look at this site for more info

It's not for everyone but it has really helped me
Definitely worth going to a very clean and green induction before trying anything else - so stick to protein plus nice green veggies - no extras etc. good luck!
The only thing i can suggest is that if your ketostix are generally strong purple colour whenever you test - you are not drinking enough water. A good reading on a ketostix should always be in the first 2 lighter shades of the scale ie light pink. If you are not drinking enough water then your pee will have a very high level of ketones within it where as drinking more will facilitate more ketones leaving your body as you will inevitably have to go to the loo more. Try and drink at least the recommened 2 litres of water per day, but even more so if you can. 3-4 litres per day would do you the world of good in this respect.

Hope that helps you a little :)
Well, am no longer gaining! Today back to 12-13. I know I shouldn't be getting on the scales every other day, must stop, I know.

Jiggerz that's really sweet of you, thankyou - but I have already ordered the New Atkins New You, don't think I've ever seen that version and am sure it is time I updated myself a bit.

Thankyou everyone for excellent ideas!