In need of help!


Full Member
Hi I have a home made fruit salad evry mornin for brekky and pour either tesco value or asda smart price low fat natural yogurt over it, can someone tell me if these are free or should I be using a different one? Please help xxxxz
Asda smart price low fat yogurt is 5 syns for 500grms, so not too bad.

Tesco low fat natural yogurt is 1.5 syns for 500grms, even better:D

I buy Aldi's Brooklea, virtually fat free natural yogurt which is syn free.
Swee thanks for getting back to me I have been looking everywhere and as I'm doing it on my own without going to a class it can be hard! Is the aldi 1 a small or big pot?x
I know wot u mean I'm doing it with out going to class this time round. U don't realise how much u rely on the online database. Keep it up. :)
Happy Holidays said:
Asda smart price low fat yogurt is 5 syns for 500grms, so not too bad.

Tesco low fat natural yogurt is 1.5 syns for 500grms, even better:D

I buy Aldi's Brooklea, virtually fat free natural yogurt which is syn free.

Just be careful because it is only this virtually fat gree natural yoghurt that is free as mentioned above, the other flavours are syns so even though they look like muller lights do not be fooled!
shelly22 said:
Ooops sent too soon meant help each other haha. So where is best place to find syns?xxxx

Well I bought the latest books on eBay and this is the best site for syns and advice. People look items up if u need it. Its very supportive.