Is anybody rotating


Gold Member
Rotating between sw and ww?
Doing sw for maybe 2 weeks and then a week off ww to help switch up foods and keep weight loss going??
I doubt it as that seems really confusing! Sw has so much versatility that I can go weeks without eating the same thing twice so not sure why you would need to switch!
Whatever works for you is great.

That's not a bad idea actually, it would keep things mixed up a bit and as long as you didn't spend less than 7 days on each diet then I can't see why it wouldn't work.

It's something I might think of trying if I start struggling with SW or perhaps have a busy week with social events etc that may require more convenience food.
I think it would get too confusing.

Having done SW and calorie counting (similar idea to WW despite what they might say about it not being based on calories, it is!), I found I ate the same type of things on both, just in smaller quantities on CC.