Is Anyone Else Becoming A Diet Bore?

I'm guilty of looking in large peoples shopping trolleys. (HELL I'm just nosey full stop!) Alot of it is down to education. We don't teach schoolchildren that it's cheaper and more nutritious to cook from scratch. My 2 juniors at work barely eat any fresh food! They, "don't do veg!" except baked beans! They moan about "feeling cr*p all the time" and being overweight. One lives at home and orders in pizza, the other is away from home for the first time and goes home to mum at the W/E (mum does her washing and ironing!) and seems to think potnoodle is a meal! My senior is Indian, vegetarian, and brings the most wonderful spicy concoctions to work. (she was amazed when I said her biryani wasn't too hot for me! I put chilli in most things) She only has rice a couple of times a month. She's stunning and must be a size 6!(must be genetics! I'll let you know!)
As I work in the NHS I come across alot of obese people, I am expected to get them mobile after they "go off their legs". The truth is they stuff themselves with high fat food, find walking difficult so they get an electric buggy for outside so they end up doing less and less, then they can't do stairs so they get a stairlift, and they do even less :rant2:
I can't help but judge other people who I see are overweight, but I force myself to ask "who am I to judge?". It's taken me sixteen years to be successful on a diet. I've had so many failed attempts over so many years and this is the most weight I've lost and best I've felt. There are so many pressures around us to make us want to eat junk food. Junk is everywhere we go and so accessible and cheaper. Therefore, those of us who do manage to overcome all the many obstacles and become successful at losing weight and eating healthily are actually making a big achievement. In this society it's just very difficult to eat a healthy diet.
I wouldn't dream of making assumptions about people, because dieting can be very hard work, particularly if you aren't aware of the saner option (ie SW) and for some people it just isn't worth it when they know full well they are likely to put it all back on again. And many of them may well be trying desperately to lose weight, you can't tell by looking at someone.

As for all fat people cramming high fat food down their throats or whatever, well, tell that to my friend who has gained 4st in the last year (she was already 18st) on a subsistence diet consisting mainly of green veg, lean protein (she can't stomach most protein but carby foods make her fatter quicker as she is severely insulin resistant) and, well, not much else. She has had to put up with so much stupid judgemental stuff from NHS staff "helpfully" suggesting that she maybe avoid fizzy drinks and cake and refusing to believe her that she eats very little indeed, even when presented with a consultant's letter confirming that she has a condition which essentially means that her body stores fat in a messed up way that it can never burn off again. She could conceivably lose a bit of weight from some parts of her body but then she would look even more disproportionate than she already does (because the weight stored due to this condition is only on her legs and arms, whereas in the last year she's gained weight mainly on her torso and face so they have "caught up" a little)