Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

I was thinking of buying the mix a mousse. Is it worth it? Anyone tried the water flavoring?

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5

I've tried mix a mouse which is ok, it is filling but I don't think it's like angel delight though...I was hoping it was. The drink flavours are horrid, well I've only tried the orange which is really really sweet, but artificially sweet, not like chocolate sweet...
Hmm I'll get the summer berries one then! Keep at it Susie you can do it. If you're going to eat have some chicken or something and maybe plan one day a month where you eat off plan if you lose a certain amount of weight. That might keep you from picking. How long do you have left on Cambridge?

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5
Morning all,

Feeling deflated again this morning. Still no loss for me this week. That's been 5 days with nothing, only 2 days to weigh in. Will be gutted if I sts!!!!! I've also felt really Hungary this week so thinking maybe my body is like wtf are you doing lol. Don't want to move up a step just yet but if I carry on like this I may need to. Maybe I should have a cheat meal and kick start my metabolism? I don't know, will see on Saturday.

Hope everyone has a great day. X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
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Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Yeah I think u should have one meal to kick start it again because it looks like it's got used to how you normally eat now. Don't be disheartened you still have the weekend!!!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5
Hmm I'll get the summer berries one then! Keep at it Susie you can do it. If you're going to eat have some chicken or something and maybe plan one day a month where you eat off plan if you lose a certain amount of weight. That might keep you from picking. How long do you have left on Cambridge?

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5[

Not sure, if I get to 11 stone /I'll fit back into most of my clothes, although they'll be tight. Not sure, maybe if I work really hard I could get down to 10.8 then I might try ww. It will feel really naughty but it's still low fat. The only problem is though is that it took me sooo long to lose a stone on it last time. I'm very impatient. I'd love to get down to 9.9 so everything would fit !
Prob is, I go back to work in march and I know I won't stick to it
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Just stay on Cambridge then but maybe move up some steps? Otherwise u might put on all the weight you've lost. I did we once but found it quite funny how u could literally eat anything you want, like a McDonalds and that would be fine as long as it's in your allocated points!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5
Thing is, it's expensive, 40 per week and I'm not sure when I'm back at work I could stick to it

Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app
You could try a cheaper alternative like exante or slim and save.... I think one of them also has meal replacement packs which are actual meals like Spag bol and curry etc. You can get them on amazon and eBay or from website. 40 a week is cheap... Mines usually 46ish!!!! How much do you pay per product and why is there a difference across consultants.

It would be a shame to stop altogether when you're doing so well. And at work you could take a soup and have like a cuppa soup if you're concerned ppl will notice!!! You can do it!!!! Think of summer you and our plans to meet ;)

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5
I've tried extante, got put off when I found a hair in the porridge. Extante wernt interested because I didn't photograph it and my reviews online were taken down, including on trust pilot! Not sure why the consultants charges are different. I think I pay 1.90 per packet

Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app
I pay €60 a week and I find it way cheaper than buying and cooking food every day when you take into account what i was spending at work on coffees, drinks, canteen food etc.
I pay 45 but that's with a few pound discount as I've stuck to it. I only have tetras and bars that's maybe why it's more.

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Yeah mine is 2.20 but bars and tetra shakes are 2.40!!! Where abouts is your consultant. Stupid that they charge more for the same product!!!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5
May have a night off the diet to see if that kick starts it, will see what happens sat at weigh in. Scares me eating again though lol. Not sure i can handle going back into ketosis again, that's what's put me off cheating or having nights off. I wanted to stay on ss and work my way up and then maintain. Why is nothing ever simple!!!! X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Think mine are 2.30 for bars & tetras and 2.10 for the rest. My weekly charge should be £48.30 but she charges me £45 a week as I pay a month up front. X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
I've never had tetras or bars, I stick to soup and shakes

Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app
You should try the bars especially the lemon one... It's delicious!!!!!!!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5
Really? Maybe I should, it might stop me reaching for nutella!

Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app
If you like Nutella I totally recommend the peanut crunch bars. I couldn't survive with bars x

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Yeah same I've run out of bars for this week because I ate them all last week and am now struggling. The lemon bars actually taste like something you would eat normally even if you weren't on a diet. Can wait to restock next Monday. The peanut bars are also nice and last a long time cos they're kinda chewy so I get peanut and lemon ... I personally don't like taste of others but some people love them all. You should try some out. Also soups aren't bad... Vegetable is really nice. Mix it up a bit... Might make you feel Bette rand you can have a bar at work for lunch easy peasy!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4 - 4.5lbs
week 5