Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

Good idea ;) hows everyone getting on? Anyone got any meal ideas for step 2? I'm thinking chicken kebabs mmmmm

Total loss = 26lbs
Right I never have bad days or complain but today has been flipping horrible. Started with waking up at 5 and not being able to sleep, then have to Milton Keynes for a dc visit with work, walking around and then they say we will go upstairs now so off we go upstairs to the next floor but the floor is like this hard mesh see through flooring. I have a major fear of heights that are open, so I'm walking around and start to get more and more panicky and start shaking, crying but trying not too and having a panic attack. I've only ever had one in my life and if anyone who's never had one through fear it makes you feel like your going to faint and feel like your dying. So anyway I start clinging to a table and had to go downstairs and sit in the canteen for the rest of the morning as refused to go back up. Felt like a right idiot. I hardly know anyone as just started this job and now look a right prat. Got back into the office at 2 to be told we've booked you on some last minute training which starts now so off you go and was stuck in there until 5. I'd eaten nothing and the room was so hot plus I still felt shaky and like crap from earlier so after nearly passing out again I managed to leave and go to the canteen. Guess what no cambridge friendly food so could only get a diet coke to take the edge of the sickness. Finally finished go to the station in the pouring rain and now on a train that's flipping broken down. Still feel like I might faint and want to cry?!!!!! Need a glass of wine and big fat burger lol.

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Oh no sounds like you have had a day from hell. I think you need a whole vineyard after the day you've just had!!!! Who has mesh flooring?!!! Don't worry they should be sympathetic given your fear of heights!!!

Total loss = 26lbs
Was like this weird metal flooring. Bit like a cage if that makes sense. Having tonight off, I don't care!!!! Worst fu**ing day ever!!!! Still feel anxious. Not good. The thing is I'm normally so happy and confident then these fears get me. I'm the same with the dentist and flying. I walked round with a hole in my front tooth for a few years as petrified. I now get knocked out even for just a filling. I sound like a right lunatic lol

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Haha maybe you need some cognitive behavioural therapy to get over your fears.. then they'll be no stopping you. Enjoy tonight.. what you going to have? I'll cheat through you ;) Chinese?

Total loss = 26lbs
Hope you have a good night Liz and that you're feeling a bit better tomorrow x
Sounds like a nightmare Liz. At least the evening you've lined up sounds better. Even the wine.
Thanks all. Feeling a lot better this morning. Weighed in and didn't get back to what I was. Guessed last night didn't help. Still I'm only 2lb over so reckon I lost between 6-7lb in 10 days. Still pleased with that. Doing step 3 this week as away next weekend so aiming to have that 2lb off by next week. In the grand scheme of things im still nearly 3 stone lighter than Christmas and back to a size 12.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
That's an amazing loss with a night off! You should be feeling so pleased with that :)

Step 3 sounds like a really good plan for the week, and if you factor in water retention from last night you'll probably lose 3-4lbs :)

I hope you have a much better happier day today.
Thanks Jo. Had a lovely day today with my sister and her baby. Been bad today though!!!! How's your day been? X

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Bad bad or Step 3 bad?! Aww that sounds nice. Are you feeling a better?
I cleared out my wardrobes today. I seriously need to buy new clothes and my feet have shrunk. WTF???? As a fatty all my life ive always invested in expensive shoes instead as nice clothes didnt fit. I cant afford to drop everything off at my sisters. She's already taken 8 bin liners full already.

BTW im not complaining. I'd rather be thin and naked!
Ha I found that too! How weird is it that your feet get smaller?! Lovely to be buying new clothes though :)
I didn't think there was much fat in your feet. Very weird. Must feel good saying that nothing feet but for the right reasons!!!!

Total loss = 26lbs
How we getting on ladies? Did you have a nice day Liz?
I didn't think there was much fat in your feet. Very weird. Must feel good saying that nothing feet but for the right reasons!!!!

Total loss = 26lbs

I had to get my wedding ring's gone down 4 sizes in a year!!! They are another one of those I didn't really think about...
My feet went from a 7 to a 6 in 2009 on cd, and now I'm into a 5! Very weird!

How is everyone doing?

Having a crap day here. Been told this morning the landlord is selling the house and we have 2 months notice. It's made me want to panic and binge but I've resisted as it's weigh in tomorrow. I had uncertainty so this is really not good for me :(

Current loss: 6lbs