Is it just me or...


Is it just me, Or does anybody else feel like throttling family members for stuffing their faces and pigging out knowing full well that you're trying to diet?

Sat watching the step dad eat a pizza, with coleslaw, and i'm sat here trying to decide what to eat, with no appetite at all because I'm feeling that down.

Sick of it. Feel like bingeing.
And then stop and think.... After he eats that pizza he will feel fat and bloated... The thought of pizza is far more satisfying than the pizza itself!!!
My boyfriend is a nightmare! He has take away about 4 times a week and I always give into temptation and have it too even if I've already had a healthy dinner earlier on! Argh!
Me too! All my family can eat what they want and they stay skinny.

So they are never very sympathetic when I am struggling.