is it just me

Definitely :) Has the nail painting started? X

Not yet haha. Omg leah is asleep. Her first nite and shes gone to sleep. this is big coz wen tyler goes to gregs mums and she goes to mine me and greg get a nite by ourself and thats sumthing we havent had in 3 years.x
Not yet haha. Omg leah is asleep. Her first nite and shes gone to sleep. this is big coz wen tyler goes to gregs mums and she goes to mine me and greg get a nite by ourself and thats sumthing we havent had in 3 years.x

Plenty of catching up ;-) All over the house ;-) x
Haha yeh but just simple things like the cinema or a meal not havin to rush back for the babysitter.x

That's very true! But who will talk to me if you actually have a life ;-) x
I mite only have a life once or twice a month so i wouldnt wory 2 much about that hun.x:D

Yey! I don't want you getting a life, it's already quieter now Emma had a life last night and tonight lol x
I know what you mean about needing to weigh every day to keep you on track. I tried not to weigh for a whole week and it was so hard! If I weigh every day then I know instantly if I've gained weight and I can do something about it before WI.
Haha yeh u cant get much more of a life hun ur always out and about. I Dont think u cud fit much more in. Your such a busy bee.x

Busy by Day, Lazy Smurf by Night lol! X
In your night chair.x

Of Course! Can't believe I've not done anything for Monday, tomorrow is going to be Busy Busy! X
You mean u arnt organized yet. Wow hun i thort u wud have had it al packed in the week.x

Nope lol, I don't even have my list yet! I've just been concentrating on the meal plan to use all the food bargains before we go lol x
U have sum serious organizing to do 2moz hun.x'll be fine, at least the food will be used up and we will have a packed lunch for the journey! X
Are you looking forward to it.x

I am and I'm not lol! I'm dreading having another fortnight where I just chase the same 2lbs! X
But your happy at the weight u are now. U need to practise maintainin hun.x

Think I just want to get a little lighter before I start maintaining. X